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Version 1.1-2466

2 General description

The HIKOB WISE COW is a wireless magneto resistive sensor, ultra-compact, and energy
autonomous. This is one of the acquisition nodes composing the HIKOB wireless radio net-
work aimed at instantaneously transfer information on presence of vehicles in parking lots, or
passing vehicles on traffic lines.
The HIKOB WISE COW Parking detects parked vehicles, and the HIKOB WISE COW Traffic
detects passing vehicles. Both detections are based on the earth's magnetic field variations
measurements. Measures are broadcasted through the HIKOB radio network, possibly using
routers, and are treated by the HIKOB GATEWAY, platform supplying and managing data,
allowing monitoring.
The HIKOB WISE COW sensor is delivered already assembled, ready to be installed. The
HIKOB WISE COW casing is water resistant, IP 67 (EN 60529 protocol). The first number 6
identifies protection against complete ingress of dust, the second number 7, identifies protec-
tion against the effects of immersion in water under stated conditions of pressure and time.
Should you decide to perform cleaning tasks on the HIKOB WISE COW while it's still not bur-
ried, don't perform high pressure cleaning, prefer wiping with a dry cloth, or with a neutral
Figure 1: External view of HIKOB WISE COW
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