- ページ 12

ストリング・マシン Gamma 6004のPDF オーナーズマニュアルをオンラインで閲覧またはダウンロードできます。Gamma 6004 20 ページ。 6 point mounting
Gamma 6004 にも: オーナーズマニュアル (20 ページ), オーナーズマニュアル (20 ページ), オーナーズマニュアル (19 ページ)

Gamma 6004 オーナーズマニュアル
Clamping the First Main String
To begin stringing the main strings, thread
the two ends of the string through the two
center holes at the appropriate end of the
frame and continue through the opposite
center holes. Thread one end of the string
through the adjacent grommet hole and pull
excess by hand. Secure one of the strings
using a string clamp.
Pull the remaining end of the string with the
tensioner to the desired tension. Secure the
string with the remaining clamp.
Completing the String Job
Weave the cross strings over and under the
main strings being careful to alternate the
weave direction of each consecutive cross
string so as to be opposite of the previously
installed cross string.
Once the final cross string is tensioned and
clamped, tie off at the appropriate hole speci-
fied by the racquet manufacturer.


Locking the Turntable
The turntable may be locked in any position.
The turntable winged lock knob is packed
separately. Install the lock knob into the
threaded hole located on the side of the
tensioner bar post.
Rotate the knob clockwise to lock the turn-
table, and counter-clockwise to release the