Never use liquid sugar, it is extremely hot and can cause severe burns!
Thank you for your purchase of this cotton candy machine.
Take care of your machine by following these instructions and precautions
You can use a variety of flavored sugar; to add some flavor and color, mix a
pinch of your favorite sugar. Imagine the variety of flavors you can do.
Your cotton candy machine is already assembled. Follow the instructions
below to clean the unit in warm water and to rinse and dry thoroughly.
The machine consists of main unit, bowl, extraktorenhet. Figure E
NOTE: Cotton Candy is made of heated sugar. The machine converts the
sugar to the liquid, then forced the fluid out of small holes in the extractor on
the device
It is very important that the unit is cleaned thoroughly after each use.
If not, the holes get clogged and the sugar will not be able to get the candy.