- ページ 11

遊び場機器 Garden Games Playhouses Whacky & Crooked TowerのPDF 取扱説明書をオンラインで閲覧またはダウンロードできます。Garden Games Playhouses Whacky & Crooked Tower 12 ページ。

Looking After Your Playhouse
Your playhouse is made from heat-treated and pre-painted natural wood. It is also protected from insect infestation and
fungal growth, and sourced from sustainable forests. The pre-painted colour stain includes a mould inhibitor and UV
protection to keep the colours vibrant, but it is strongly recommended that you re-treat the house once a year with a clear
timber preserver to extend the life of your playhouse.
On rare occasions, when you first erect the playhouse in wet conditions and where it is wet or rainy for a prolonged time,
then followed by a burst of sunshine, it is still possible to get some mould on some panels. Please be reassured that this
can be washed off with a mould cleaner or wiped down with a baking soda solution.
Baking soda is a natural disinfectant and very mild, so this solution cleans mould without leaving a scent. Dissolve baking
soda into a water and vinegar solution, spray onto the surface, let it sit for a little while and then wipe with a damp cloth.
Weekly to monthly / routine visual inspection
Regularly check the playhouse for splinters and any signs of wear and tear. It is important to check all screws and tighten
or replace where necessary. This should be done after assembly and then at least twice a month while in use. If any parts
are found to be defective or damaged they must be replaced immediately according to the manufacturer's requirements.
If the regular checks on the playhouse are not carried out the unit could become a hazard and even tip over.
The playhouse is designed for children between 18 months - 12 years old only. The playhouses are designed
for use by two children with a combined weight of 100 kg. Do not climb or play on the roof of the playhouse.
For domestic use only! Designed for outdoor use only!
Warnung! Das Spielhaus ist nur für Kinder zwischen 18 Monaten - 12 Jahren geeignet. Die Spielhäuser sind für zwei Kinder mit einem
Gesamtgewicht von 100 kg ausgelegt. Klettern oder spielen Sie nicht auf dem Dach des Spielhauses.
Nur für den Hausgebrauch! Nur für den Außenbereich geeignet!
Attention! Le théâtre est conçu pour les enfants entre 18 mois -12 ans seulement. Les playhouses sont conçus pour être utilisés par
deux enfants avec un poids combiné de 100kgs. Ne grimpez pas et ne jouez pas sur le toit de la salle de spectacle.
Pour usage domestique seulement! Conçu pour une utilisation en extérieur seulement!
¡Advertencia! La casa de juegos está diseñada para niños de entre 18 meses -12 años solamente. Los teatros están diseñados para ser
utilizados por dos niños con un peso combinado de 100 kg. No trepe ni juegue en el techo de la casa de juegos.
¡Exclusivamente para uso doméstico¡ Diseñado solo para uso al aire libre!
Attenzione! La casetta è progettata per bambini tra i 18 mesi -12 anni. Le casette sono progettate per essere utilizzate da due
bambini con un peso combinato di 100 kg. Non salire o giocare sul tetto della casetta.
Solo per uso domestico! Progettato solo per uso esterno!
Waarschuwing! Het speelhuis is ontworpen voor kinderen tussen 18 maanden - 12 jaar oud. De speelhuizen zijn ontworpen voor
gebruik door twee kinderen met een gecombineerd gewicht van 100 kg. Klim of speel niet op het dak van het speelhuisje.
Alleen voor huishoudelijk gebruik! Alleen ontworpen voor gebruik buitenshuis!
Inspection & Maintenance
We recommend the following maintenance.