- ページ 5

芝刈り機 Gardena HB 40 400のPDF 取扱説明書をオンラインで閲覧またはダウンロードできます。Gardena HB 40 400 10 ページ。

Gardena HB 40 400 取扱説明書
4. Assembly
(Fig. A- D)
4.1 Contents
petrol and brake bowden cables
The packaging should include
(4 / 5). Insert the enclosed bolt (8)
the following parts:
from the outside through the
.Hattrick HB 40
bore hole of the top of the guide
.Grass Catcher (disassembled)
handle (A 2).
.Top of guide handle
The bolt (8) is located firmly by
.Fastening parts for
the square bolt head, into the
guide handle and throttle
guide handle.
.Bowden cable clip
.Spark plug spanner
Lift the brake lever (10) and insert
the brake bowden cable (11)
from the outside into the corre-
for changing blades
sponding bore hole (12). The cas-
ing of the throttle (9) is now insert-
4.2 Assembly of the
ed onto the bolt (8) on the top of
guide handle (Fig. A)
the guide handle (A 2).
Swivel the folded bottom part
Insert washer (7) before fastening
of the guide handle (A 1) into the
the nut (6) (as illustrated).
working position and allow it to
engage. Tighten well with the
4.4 How to attach the starter
lower linkage locking handles (2).
handle onto the top of the
Put the top of the guide handle
guide handle (Fig. C)
(A 2) onto the bottom part of the
By pushing the brake lever (10)
guide handle (A1) and secure
down, the brake is released from
using the fastening parts (thread-
the engine. The starter handle
ed bolt; plastic wing nut) (1).
(13) with starter cord (14) can now
be pulled out of its resting position
4.3 Assembly of the throttle
on the petrol motor. Now thread
(Fig. B)
the starter cord (14) into the guide
The throttle (3) is already con-
rings (15) on the top of the guide
nected in working order to the
handle (A 2).
5. Initial operation
(Fig. E / F)
5.1 Preparation for initial
integrated in the oil sealing cap
operation (Fig. E)
(21). The oil level must be bet-
ween the ADD and FULL mark.
For environmental and
transport safety reasons
Always check the oil level
the petrol Hattrick lawn mower
before mowing.
is supplied without motor oil.
The recommended fuel is
Therefore, the crankcase of
unleaded two-stroke petrol.
the engine must be filled with
0.6 l motor oil (SAE 30 or
Warning! Fuel is highly
10 W 30).
inflammable. Fuel must
Unscrew the oil sealing cap (21)
be stored only in containers
and fill with 0.6 l of SAE 30 quality
authorised for the purpose.
The fuel must be filled only
The oil level can be checked
outdoors; do not smoke during
(when engine is switched off)
filling. Fill with petrol prior to
by means of the oil dip stick (22)
use; the petrol cap must not be
4.5 Fixing the bowden cables
(Fig. C)
Insert both petrol and brake
bowden cables into the provided
bowden cable clip (16) and press
them onto the bottom part of
the guide handle (A 1).
4.6 Assembly of the
grass catcher (Fig. A / D)
The grass catcher is supplied
loose (3 component parts).
The carrying handle (17) is under
the protective cover (27).
Unfold the grass catcher (18) and
insert the supporting frame (19)
through the opening of the grass
catcher (18) so that the plastic
base is at the bottom.
Then open the fastening clamps
(20) by hand and fix them onto
the supporting frame (19).
Fasten the carrying handle (17)
by pressing onto the supporting
frame (19).
The supporting frame (19) is
shaped to locate the carrying
handle (17) in the correct
removed and no petrol may be
added if the engine is running
or is hot. If petrol is spilled dur-
ing filling, the engine must not
be started until the spilled
petrol has been wiped up and
the mower has been removed
from the area where the fuel
was spilled. No attempt must
be made to switch on the igni-
tion until the petrol vapours
have dispersed.
To safeguard against fire,
keep grass, leaves, grease and
oil away from engine and ex-
5.2 Starting the Hattrick
After that, the starter handle/ cord
lawn mower (Fig. F)
(13) must be allowed to return
Place your petrol Hattrick lawn
mower on an even area of the
The motor speed can be reduced
by pushing the throttle (3) towards
the symbol
If the engine is cold, press the
primer (23) several times before
Release brake lever (10) to switch
starting. If the engine is hot there
off the engine.
is no need to use the primer (23).
Press brake lever (10) down to
Make sure that the blades
and aerator roller (see 6.3)
the top of the guide handle (A 2).
can run freely before starting
Push the throttle (3) to the symbol
the mower. Tilt the mower on
(hare) and pull the starter
the rear wheels by pressing on
handle / cord (13) slightly until the
the guide handle.
ratchet engages. Start the engine
by quickly pulling out the starter
handle / cord (13).
6. Information concerning correct mowing and aerating
6.1 General remarks
mower in rows as straight as pos-
on the care of lawns
sible. Ensure that the rows over-
To keep your lawn well-groomed
lap by a few centimetres so that
we recommend cutting it regularly
no uncut strips are left behind.
once a week. Depending on the
Guide the Hattrick in walking
growth of moss and weeds,
pace only.
switch on the aerator cylinder as
Adjusting the cutting height
With frequent mowing and aerat-
(Fig. G)
ing the lawn becomes healthy
The petrol Hattrick lawn mower
and strong.
has a central cutting height ad-
justment knob (24). In front of
Short clippings (up to a length
the knob (24) the cutting height
of about 1 cm) can be left on the
is displayed (25) increments
lawn. Longer clippings must be
of 5 mm.
removed to prevent the lawn
becoming yellow or matted.
Cutting height range 30 - 80 mm
Cut and aerate the lawn for the
first time in spring when the grass
When working on slopes, al-
begins to grow and can be walked
ways mow at right angles to
on. If the grass has grown too
the slope. To prevent the petrol
long, first cut it lengthwise with
Hattrick lawn mower from slid-
a high cutting setting (without
ing way, point it slightly uphill.
switching on the aerator cylinder)
Take extra care when changing
and then cut at right angles with
direction on slopes.
the desired cutting setting, with
the aerator cylinder (optional)
For safety reasons, slopes
switched on.
with a gradient of more than
15 ° must not be mowed.
6.2 Mowing (Fig. G - I)
Always keep the under side of
Cut only with sharp blades so
the mower casing clean and
that the grass does not fray and
remove grass deposits. De-
the lawn does not turn yellow.
posits complicate the start-up
To obtain a clean cutting result
procedure and affect the cut-
guide the petrol Hattrick lawn
ting result as well as discharge
of grass clippings.
Do not let the engine run in
closed spaces. There is danger
of carbon monoxide poisoning.
Never start up on a solid sur-
faced area (e.g. drives, tarred
surfaces etc.) with the aerator
roller switched on and a cutting
height of less than 55 mm as
the aerator springs can have
contact with the ground at this
Attention! Be aware that the
cutting blades take a while
to stop after turning off the
6.3 Mowing with the
aerator cylinder (Fig. H)
Switching the aerator cylinder
on / off
Switch off the engine before
switching the aerator cylinder
on or off.
To switch on the aerator cylinder
set the rotary switch (26) to
position " I ".
To switch it off set the rotary
switch (26) to position " 0 ".
Remarks on mowing with the
aerator cylinder switched on
The aerator cylinder can be used
for creating drainage, removing
matting and moss in the lawn
as well as for cutting flat-rooting
If the grass is particularly long
due to infrequent lawn care (e.g.
after holidays), disengage the
aerator cylinder, and pre-cut with
the maximum cutting height
to prevent overload of the lawn
At the end of the cutting row
or for turning around, tilt the
mower on the rear wheels by
pressing on the guide handle.
This way you can turn it easily
with the aerator cylinder run-
ning free.