- ページ 17

カーナビゲーションシステム Garmin Cessna Caravan G1000のPDF パイロット・マニュアルをオンラインで閲覧またはダウンロードできます。Garmin Cessna Caravan G1000 21 ページ。 Integrated flight deck
Garmin Cessna Caravan G1000 にも: パイロット・マニュアル (16 ページ), パイロット・マニュアル (6 ページ), パイロット・マニュアル (32 ページ), パイロット・マニュアル (25 ページ), パイロット・マニュアル (34 ページ), 飛行機フライトマニュアル補足 (33 ページ), パイロット・マニュアル (22 ページ)

Garmin Cessna Caravan G1000 パイロット・マニュアル


The red DISPLAY BACKUP button selects the rever-
sionary mode for all displays. Reversionary mode opera-
tion displays important flight and engine information on
both the PFD and MFD, in case of display failure.
In dual audio panel configuration the DISPLAY
BACKUP button operates on the pilot side only.
Figure 6A.3.8 Reversionary Mode Button
The GMA 1347 provides the ability to interface to a
cockpit voice recorder (CVR). The unsquelched pilot mi-
crophone input (all vocal inputs from the pilot) is com-
bined with all audio heard on the pilot' s headset and cabin
speaker and is output to the pilot CVR channel. The un-
squelched copilot microphone input is combined with all
audio heard on the copilot' s headset and the cabin speaker
and is output to the copilot CVR channel.


In a dual installation, one GMA 1347 is in the pilot
position, the other is in the copilot position. The units are
referred to as the pilot side and copilot side audio panels.
Both the pilot and the copilot can transmit at the same
time from either the pilot side unit or copilot side unit.
190-00378-02 Rev. A
ICS key selections (PILOT and COPILOT) and the
telephone key (TEL) annunciate together in a dual instal-
lation. When a key is pressed on either the pilot side or
the copilot side, both units annunciate the same selection.
COM3 MIC and the TEL have no priority.
Intercom operation of dual audio panels is identical to
that of single audio panel operation. The passengers hear
selected radios from the pilot or copilot side, depending
on the installation.
When ICS is connected to the copilot side in PILOT
mode, the passengers hear radios selected by the copilot,
the passenger audio, the copilot and MUSIC 2. When
ICS is connected to the copilot side in COPILOT mode,
the passengers hear the passenger audio, the pilot and
Simultaneous COM Transmission
Dual GMA 1347 installations allow both the pilot and
copilot to transmit simultaneously over separate radios.
When either COM transmitter is keyed, transmit-inter-
lock shuts off the other COM receiver. This prevents in-
terference from the active COM transmitter.
With two pilots aboard, transmit-interlock may in-
terfere with communications. When either the pilot or
copilot transmits on a COM radio, no audio is heard on
the other COM receiver. This means that if the pilot is
communicating with ATC on COM1, while the copilot is
transmitting on COM2, all of the pilot' s reception is lost
during the time of copilot transmission.
Garmin G1000 Audio Panel Pilot's Guide
NOTE: In dual configuration, the pilot always
hears the audio selected on the pilot's audio
panel and the copilot always hears the audio
selected on the copilot's audio panel.