船舶用GPSシステム Garmin TR-1 GoldのPDF 取付方法をオンラインで閲覧またはダウンロードできます。Garmin TR-1 Gold 7 ページ。 Throttle actuator
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Garmin TR-1 Gold 取付方法
TR-1 Gold
Cylinder & Bracket
Mounting Instructions
Honda 8 HP: 2001 & Newer
Honda 9.9 HP: 2001 & Newer
Honda 15 HP: 2003 & Newer
Honda 20 HP: 2003 & Newer
Figure 1 Finished steering actuator
CAUTION: This kit fits the long and extra long shaft motors only. It will not fit the short shaft version.
PN 906-1075-00
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