- ページ 10

GPS AvMap Geosat 5 BLUのPDF マニュアルをオンラインで閲覧またはダウンロードできます。AvMap Geosat 5 BLU 12 ページ。 For: kenwood tm-d710 a/e kenwood tm-d700 a/e kenwood th-d7 a/e
AvMap Geosat 5 BLU にも: ユーザーマニュアル (14 ページ), (デンマーク語)クイック・スタート・マニュアル (2 ページ)

AvMap Geosat 5 BLU マニュアル
d. Make sure that {T} and {CT} do not appear at the top of your D7A screen, if they do press the [F]
button then [BAL] button to turn [T] off or the [F] button then [POS] button to turn off [CT].
e. Press the [MENU] button and use the [Control Pad] (the top or bottom of the large round key
pad on the left middle side of the D7A) to get to the APRS setup menu {APRS 2-X} (the X here
can be any letter or number) and press the [OK] button (the right side of the [Control Pad]) to
select/enter. Then use the [Control Pad] again to choose the APRS screen you desire and press
[OK] to select/enter.
f. Press the [ESC] button twice to leave the APRS setup screen and return the D7A user screen.
g. You can now power down the radio and it will keep your settings.
AvMap Geosat 5 set-up
a. While programming the AvMap Geosat 5 and/or the Kenwood TH-D7, the communication cable
should be disconnected. Strange and/or bad things can occur if you fail to head this warning!
b. Items in [ ] are buttons and/or knobs and { } are items you enter/see on the Geosat 5 screen.
c. Begin by pressing the [Page] button to turn the Geosat 5 on.
d. After the "Welcome on board" greeting, on the {WARNING} page, press [Accept] (the navigator
automatically selects accept after 5 seconds).
e. On the {MAIN MENU} page press [SETTINGS].
f. On the {SETTINGS} press [User Preferences]
g. On the {USER PREFERENCES} page, press [Interface]
h. Press [è] to go to page 2/2
i. On the {INTERFACE} page, press the [APRS 9600] radial button. 9600 seems to work best for the
Kenwood APRS radios
j. On the {INTERFACE} page, press [OK].
k. On the {USER PREFERENCES} page pres [OK].
l. On the {SETTINGS} page press {MAP}.
Making it all work!
a. Make sure both the Kenwood TH-D7 and AvMap Geosat 5 are turned OFF!
b. Connect the four pole 2.5mm communication cable end to the Geosat 5's TMC receptacle and
the three pole 2.5mm end to the D7A's GPS receptacle. IMPORTANT! These are easily reversed
and hooked up backwards; also when connecting to the Geosat 5 make sure you plug into the
TMC receptacle, not the ANT receptacle which is right next to it and the same size!
d. Make sure the D7A is on the two meter band and the channel is set to 144.390.
e. OK here we go! Press the [TNC] button on the D7A. This will open the {TNC} of your D7A and
communications between the Geosat 5 and D7A should now begin. NOTE: Make sure that the
radio isn't in [TNC PACKET] mode.
f. DOES IT WORK?? Press the [POS] button. This will bring up the coordinates screen. IF the
Geosat 5 is talking to the D7A you should see the (degrees, periods and commas) blinking...if
they are not blinking you are NOT communicating. Press the [POS] button again to return to the
normal user screen.