- 1. Important Safeguards
- 1. Important Safeguards
- 2. Before First Use / Preparation
- 2. Before First Use / Preparation
- 3. Set up Instructions
- 3. Set up Instructions
- 4. Tank Maintenance
- 4. Tank Maintenance
- 5. Filter Maintenance
- 5. Filter Maintenance
- 6. Filter Media
- 6. Filter Media
- 7. Troubleshooting
- 7. Troubleshooting
13. Connect the Intake Pipe and Strainer
together. Fig 6
14. Insert them into the bottom of the Power
Head. Fig 7
15. Place the aquarium on a flat level surface
strong enough to support its weight. We recom-
mend a genuine Aqua One Aquarium Cabinet
(Sold separately) rather than general house-
hold furniture. Fig 8
16. Place the Filter Unit (Once complete) on
top of the Aquarium Body towards the back. Fig
Fig 6
17. Wash aquarium gravel. Place a portion of
gravel into a bucket, run water through & churn it
over with your hand until the water running out of
the bucket is clear. It is important to wash the
gravel thoroughly. Repeat this process several
times until all the gravel has been washed. Fig 10
Fig 7
18. Place washed gravel over the base of the
Aquarium. Fig 11
Fig 8
Fig 9
Fig 10
Fig 11