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アダプター DG Technologies DPA 5のPDF 設定マニュアルをオンラインで閲覧またはダウンロードできます。DG Technologies DPA 5 18 ページ。 Dearborn protocol adapter
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DG Technologies DPA 5 設定マニュアル

Turning a Virtual COM Port into an RP1210 DeviceID

The DG Bluetooth Configuration Utility is used to create these RP1210 DeviceID entries in the DGDPA5MA.INI file with
DPA 5 units that have been paired with a PC into Virtual COM Ports. The below example shows how the DPA 5 with
the DPA 5 Bluetooth ID "0000-18AF-F507" became DeviceID=160, and the DeviceParams=/B,COM3 reflected the
Virtual COM Port that was assigned to that entry (COM3). The illustration on the right shows what AVT would show.
DeviceDescription=DG DPA 5 #0000-18AF-F507 Bluetooth,Wireless
DeviceName=DG DPA 5 #0000-18AF-F507 Bluetooth

Using Multiple DPAs in Bluetooth Mode on One PC

As noted above, there are many different possibilities for Bluetooth PC dongles and their PC installations. There are also
major differences in the Bluetooth protocol stack (drivers) on various operating systems. The Bluetooth protocol stack
on the different operating systems is what the DPA 5 drivers use to communicate with the DPA 5.
Depending on the Bluetooth protocol stack that is being used, some will only pair a device to a single Virtual COM Port.
This would mean that if you wanted to use more than one DPA with one specific PC, you would have to do the following
(the example uses DPA 5 #1 and DPA 5 #2):
1. Use the DPA 5 Bluetooth Configuration Utility to remove DPA #1's RP1210 DeviceID.
2. Use the Bluetooth software provided with the PC dongle to remove DPA #1 from the Virtual COM Port.
3. Use the Bluetooth software provided with the PC dongle to pair DPA #2 to the Virtual COM Port.
4. Use the DPA 5 Bluetooth Configuration Utility to create an RP1210 DeviceID for DPA #2.


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What is an RP1210 DeviceID and Why Is it Necessary?