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サーバー Dell DX6000GのPDF 設定・構成マニュアルをオンラインで閲覧またはダウンロードできます。Dell DX6000G 23 ページ。 Rack installation instructions — static rails
Dell DX6000G にも: ユーザーマニュアル (48 ページ), リリースノート (7 ページ), ラックの設置 (2 ページ), ラックの設置 (2 ページ)
After CFS has been stopped, CNS may also be stopped using the following command:
$ /etc/init.d/caringo-cns stop
3.3. Timescapes
The DX Storage CFS Timescape continuous snapshot feature allows an administrator to mount a
historical, read-only view of a file system at any past time, providing a mechanism to both view and/
or copy previous versions of files that might otherwise be lost.
To utilize the feature, you must first create a timescape mount at the point in time you would like to
view, using the cfs-admin mktimescape script. The script can be initiated by running the following
sudo cfs-admin mktimescape --add
This will bring up a wizard similar to the ones used to initially create a CFS share that will collect the
information necessary to create the timescape mount. It includes the following prompts:
TCFSID to be used for this timescape mount: Enter a name for the timescape mountpoint.
It must be unique on each server and consist of letters and numbers without punctuation or
spaces. For example: "acctShareT20100826" or "TimescapearchiveFS20100826".
CFSID of the CFS share you wish to make a timescape mount for: Enter the name of the
local CFS share for which you are creating a timescape mount. i.e. "acctShare" or "archiveFS"
from the initial installation example. The share must be on the same server as the timescape
mount you are creating to ensure the configuration data can be shared. The share must be in
existence for the entire time the timescape share is mounted for the timescape to work.
CFS mount directory path: Enter the location of the timescape mountpoint. By default, the
utility will use the previously provided TCFS ID in the /mnt directory. Spaces in mountpoint
paths are not supported.
Spooler directory path: Enter the location where the spooler/cache directory will reside. The
location must be unique for each distinct read/write TCFS ID or the filesystem mount will fail.
By default, the installer will use the previously provided TCFS ID in the /var/spool/cfs directory.
Extended attributes must be enabled on the specified spooler partition to store the lifepoints
and custom and system metadata associated with each unspooled item.
A dedicated spooler partition is required for each share to ensure space monitoring is
accurate and the local cache is properly maintained.
CFS Timescape (ISO8601 Format ex. 2010-08-26T13:47:42): Enter the time at which to
mount the filesystem specified in ISO 8601 format (ex. 9:38 am US/Pacific on 14 June, 2010
would be written 2010-06-14T09:38:00, with the date prior to T and the time following). The
local time zone offset of the DX Storage CFS server will be used. The wizard will return an
error if you attempt to configure a time period either earlier than the current time minus the
configured timescape horizon or in the future. A timescape share mounted when the configured
horizon passes may result in inconsistent results and an inability to access files that have been
garbage collected from the namespace while the share is mounted.
If the Spooler/cache and mount directories do not already exist, you will be asked if you would
like them to be created. The recommended response is 'Yes', as DX Storage CFS cannot
Copyright © 2011 Caringo, Inc.
All rights reserved
Version 2.6
February 2011