![Burley RECUMBENT 取扱説明書](/uploads/products/server2/362837/362837.jpg)
Burley re cum bent models are equipped with a special light weight
han dle bar, iden ti fi ed by a warning label at the bar center. These
handlebars are designed specifi cally for recumbent bicycles and
MUST NOT BE USED ON ANY OTHER BICYCLE. Use of these handlebars
on other bicycles may result in a failure, which could cause an ac-
cident resulting in serious injury.
Some Burley recumbent models feature front forks with a protective plastic strip
at the top of the right side fork leg. This strip is designed to prevent scratch ing or
gouging damage to the fork from the drive chain. It is very important that these forks
are not al lowed to become scratched or gouged and that damage to the surface of
the fork from the drive chain is pre vent ed. It is very im por tant that the protective
strip is replaced if it be comes warn or damaged. See your dealer or call Burley
Cus tom er Service if you have questions about the fork in your bike.
recumbent models feature front forks with a pro tec tive plastic strip
at the top of the right-side fork leg. Damage to the surface of these
forks could lead to the de vel op ment of cracks, which could even-
tu al ly cause the fork to fail. A fork failure will cause an accident that
could result in serious injury or death.
III. Sizing Adjustments
Important Sizing Information for Proper Riding Position
Recumbent bicycle sizing and fi t criteria are different from upright bi cy cles. It is
very important to carry out the necessary adjustments to be sure your recumbent fi ts
you properly. A bike that does not fi t properly is un safe. It will be un com fort able
and diffi cult to control.
FIT AND SIZE IMPORTANT: If your bicycle does not fi t prop er ly, you
may lose con trol and fall. If your new bike doesn't fi t, ask your dealer
to size it properly before you ride. Fail ure to do so may cause an
accident, re sult ing in serious injury or death.
Refer to the photo on page 6 for prop er recumbent cycling riding po si tion. Seat
fore-aft po si tion and han dle bar po si tion af fect your com fort, safe ty and abil i ty to
con trol the bike.