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浄水器 AquaScape 09020のPDF 使い方とメンテナンスをオンラインで閲覧またはダウンロードできます。AquaScape 09020 11 ページ。 2"/3" bulkhead
AquaScape 09020 にも: 使い方とメンテナンス (20 ページ)

AquaScape 09020 使い方とメンテナンス
• For inward waterfall lip installation you will need to cut two
vertical slits into the liner along the left and right side of the
opening. The flap of liner can simply fall into the inside of
the BioFalls Filter when attaching the waterfall lip.
NOTE: Ignore this step if you are installing the waterfall lip
outward and proceed to the following step.
• Temporarily install the waterfall lip and liner to the BioFalls
Filter. Using an awl or nail, poke the first hole through one
of the two top corner screws (Ex. 11).
• Remove the awl or nail while holding the waterfall lip and
liner in place, then thread one of the screws into the
filter (Ex. 12). Repeat this process for the screw on the
opposite side. When installing the waterfall lip inward, we
recommend installing a third screw at the center screw
hole along the bottom.
Ex. 11
• Now remove the waterfall lip with the screws still
penetrating through the liner (Ex. 13). These screws will
serve as your guide when reinstalling the waterfall lip.
• Apply a thick bead of fish-safe silicone sealant (not
included) around the BioFalls Filter opening. The bead
should follow the path of the threaded inserts (Ex. 14).
Ex. 13
• Reattach the waterfall lip using the pre-installed screws as
your guide.
• Thread the top two corner
screws and lower center
screw into place to secure
the lip to the filter (Ex. 15).
We recommend threading
the lower center screw first
when installing the waterfall
lip in the inward direction.
• Poke the remaining screw
holes with the awl or nail and thread in the remaining
• For outward lip installation, the liner will need to be
• Let dry for at least one hour before introducing water.
• The filter mats provided with the Signature Series BioFalls
Filter are high surface area (HSA) mats containing 50%
more surface area than
normal filter mats,
allowing a greater
surface area for
beneficial bacteria to
colonize and clean the water
(Ex. 16).
• Set the filter mats on top of the
filter support rack.
• A biological filter media net is
included to hold biological filter
media (not included) which will help
keep pond water clean and healthy (Ex. 16).
• Fill the filter media net with biological filter media. For best
results, use Aquascape BioBalls Biological Filter Media -
100 count (#98464).
NOTE: Recommended BioBalls quantities: 2500 series -
200 BioBalls, 6000 series - 400 BioBalls.
Ex. 12
• In higher flow applications with lightweight biological filter
media, use a rock or cobble to anchor the media in place
if needed.
NOTE: Overfilling media bags will prevent them from
spreading out over the filter mats and will cause
interference with the rock rack.
• Place two larger boulders on either side of the waterfall to
"frame" the waterfall. The water will be running between
the two larger boulders (Ex. 17).
• You can now begin to stack rocks between the two larger
Ex. 14
boulders (Ex. 17). These are the rocks that the water will
be running over, so take your time and be creative. Start
with the larger rocks on the bottom and work your way up
to the smaller ones on top.
• Small stones and gravel can be used to fill the gaps
between the larger waterfall stones (Ex. 17).
2 feet
Ex. 15
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• For outward waterfall lip installations, you can use the
included plastic waterfall stone (2500 series only) or a
piece of natural slate no more than 3/4" thick.
• Secure the plastic waterfall stone or slate to the lip using
Aquascape Pond and Waterfall Foam Sealant (#21053).
• Use Aquascape Pond and Waterfall Foam Sealant to fill
gaps between stones to direct water flow as desired. This
will keep the water flowing over the top of the waterfall
stones, not beneath them.
• The Signature Series BioFalls Filter comes with an upper
support rack that makes it easy to disguise the filter into
the landscape using small boulders, aquatic plants, and
gravel. Arrange the stones, gravel, and plants in the rack
to hide the back and top of the filter (Ex. 18).
Ex. 16
• The rack sits in the upper portion of the BioFalls Filter. The
filter mats can be removed for annual cleaning through the
wider opening at the front of the rack.
• Placing the BioFalls
allows the creation of a meandering stream.
• Twisting and turning the stream makes it look more
• The typical width of a stream should be between 2-4 feet
wide. Vary the width of the stream throughout to mimic
what would occur in nature (Ex. 19).
2 feet
Stream Bed Cross Section
• Excavate the stream to a depth of 6 inches to 1 foot. Vary
the depth in the corners and in smaller pools along the run
of the stream to allow water to pool in those areas.
• If your stream is being built on a slope, you will need to
create a few waterfalls in it. To hold the water back when
Ex. 17
the pump is shut off, you need to build a dam at each
waterfall (Ex. 19 a,b,c).
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great water loss
An often overlooked part of stream construction is the thickness of your waterfall
stone. Water will eventually seep through the foam joints if the pumps are off for
prolonged periods of time. The water will slowly seep around the thick
stone, resulting in water loss equal to the thickness of the stone.
little water loss
Ex. 18
By using a thin stone, the situation can be easily remedied.
little water loss
Leave 1/2" to 1"
exposed above liner
Filter away from the edge of the pond
If your only option is a thick waterfall stone, use the
above method.
• To make the stream look more natural, you should place
some larger boulders into it. To make this work properly,
excavate the area where the rock will be placed a few
inches deeper (Ex. 19). This will allow the rock to sit into
the bottom of the stream, not just on the streambed.
• Once you have the stream excavated, you can place the
2'-4' (Typical)
liner into it.
• Simply overlap the stream liner over the top liner. As long
as you have a 6" waterfall or higher, you will not need to
seam the liners together.
• Place rocks of varying sizes around the perimeter of the
stream (Ex. 19). During excavation of the stream, you dug
Ex. 19
a few areas where larger rocks will go. Put Pond and
Waterfall Foam Sealant into these divots and place the
rocks on top. The foam will allow the water to be diverted
around and over the rocks instead of underneath them.
CAN (866) 766-3426 |
US (866) 877-6637
thick waterfall stone
4" or greater
Ex. 19a
thin stone,1/2"-1"
Ex. 19b
thick stone recessed into pocket
Ex. 19c