- ページ 18

プロジェクター Panasonic PT-F100NTのPDF セットアップおよび操作マニュアルをオンラインで閲覧またはダウンロードできます。Panasonic PT-F100NT 37 ページ。 Lcd projector
Panasonic PT-F100NT にも: 仕様 (16 ページ), 寸法 (1 ページ), スペックファイル (12 ページ)

Panasonic PT-F100NT セットアップおよび操作マニュアル

Operation Instructions (

Operation Instructions (

Registering a Projector to a Group

Registering a Projector to a Group
A projector can be registered to a group or moved from one group to another by
dragging the icon of the projector in the group/keyword tree view pane onto the icon
of the destination group.

Relocation/Rearrangement of a Group in the Hierarchical Level

Relocation/Rearrangement of a Group in the Hierarchical Level
A group can be moved/rearranged in the hierarchical level by dragging the group icon
onto another group in the group/keyword tree view pane.
The above operation also moves the groups and projectors belonging to that group.
The information of the operation schedules (described in a later section) for the relocated projectors and the
group will also be moved together.