- ページ 20

プロジェクター Panasonic PTF100NTU - LCD PROJECTORのPDF セットアップおよび操作マニュアルをオンラインで閲覧またはダウンロードできます。Panasonic PTF100NTU - LCD PROJECTOR 37 ページ。 Lcd projectors
Panasonic PTF100NTU - LCD PROJECTOR にも: クイックマニュアル (1 ページ), 仕様 (2 ページ)

Panasonic PTF100NTU - LCD PROJECTOR セットアップおよび操作マニュアル

Deleting a Registered Projector/Group/Keyword

Deleting a Registered Projector/Group/Keyword
Select the projector/group/keyword icon to be deleted in the group/keyword tree view pane, and perform either
(a) or (b).
(a) Select File → Delete on the menu bar (see the above diagram).
(b) Right-click the selected icon, and select Delete in the context menu.
* A group registered with projectors cannot be deleted. To delete such a group, delete the registered projectors
or change the registered location of the projectors (move to another group) first.
When a confirmation dialog
box appears, click OK.