14) Trim the 1' overhang off the top and edges of the table.
Cutting out Slab Peg Sleeves:
15) Core the slab pin holes (pictured, or-
ange circle/square in the diagram) using
the 2 1/4 core bit.
First mark the holes by drilling with the
1/4" masonry bit from the back of the
For the square hole, first drill with the 2
1/4" hole saw and then remove corners
with a jig saw and blade.
Installing cement board blocks on the water pan outriggers (optional):
Cut List:
(10 pc) 7 x 3" HardiBacker® board
(5 pc) 7 x 3" Wonder Board
16) Drill two 1/4" holes into each of the 3 x 7" HardieBacker blocks and countersink 3/8" deep. Mark
the hole placement on the steel and drill the steel with a 1/8" pilot drill.
Glue the blocks to the steel with Silicon or PL panel adhesive with self taping screws, making sure
the screw pulls down flush with the surface.
17) Glue on the second layer of HardieBacker and Wonderboard block with a generous amount of PL
adhesive. Place weight or clamp the blocks in place until the glue sets up.
18) Waterproof the top with a masonry grade waterproof liquid (optional)
For Further Instruction or Technical Questions Call us at 888-742-0358