- ページ 5

デジタルカメラ Olympus C-2000 - Zoom 2.1MP Digital CameraのPDF 取扱説明書をオンラインで閲覧またはダウンロードできます。Olympus C-2000 - Zoom 2.1MP Digital Camera 17 ページ。 External flash or strobes not firing with olympus cameras
Olympus C-2000 - Zoom 2.1MP Digital Camera にも: パンフレット&スペック (2 ページ), 使用方法 (1 ページ), トラブルシューティング (3 ページ)

Olympus C-2000 - Zoom 2.1MP Digital Camera 取扱説明書
After the picture has been taken, it is saved in the camera's
memory. It is also displayed on the LCD for a few seconds as a
confidence check. The memory can hold about 15 shots, dependent
on picture content. The LCD on top of the camera displays the
number of frames remaining.
Viewing Your Pictures
You can view your pictures on the LCD
1.Switch to viewing mode.
The LCD will
switch on itself.
2. Navigate through your pictures using the "left" and "right"
arrows on the jog dial. Note that "up" and "down"
arrows take you to the end and beginning of your
set respectively .
3. You can zoom in to your picture
by pressing the zoom lever
towards "T". Once zoomed in you
can then navigate around the
picture using the jog dial.
4. If you press the zoom lever
towards "W" you will return to
normal. If you press "W" again you will get all your pictures
displayed on the LCD.