Olympus LS-10/11 • QuickGuide • dmjx 2010-3
Recording in complicated sound conditions
Complicated sound conditions is when you have to raise your voice because of
LOUD background noise, e.g. rock concerts, sports stadium, factories, etc.
In order to avoid useless recordings where your voice will be
the background noise
Change recording to MANUAL:
1. Power on the LS 10/11
2. Press the MENU botton
3. Choose REC LEVEL
4. Press the right arrow
5. Choose Manual
6. Press OK twice
7. Press the MENU botton
Now the LS 10/11 is set to MANUAL REC MODE
Turn the REC LEVEL to 4 (at a start)
Always make a test recording:
Now make a test recording with a distance to the microphone of no more than
10 cm (perhapse less).
Mind the peak level indicator – if the recording is too loud, decrease the REC
Listen via HEADPHONES and check the balance between your voice and the
background noise.
You can experiment with the distance to the microphone and the REC LEVEL in
order to get the best possible ratio between your voice and the background
noise – mind the peak level indicator
Please set the LS 10/11 to AUTO REC when finished – otherwise you are giving
the next borrower a hard time concerning the REC LEVEL
page 4
, set the LS 10/11 to MANUAL recording.
drowned out by