- ページ 14

顕微鏡 Olympus BHSPのPDF 取扱説明書をオンラインで閲覧またはダウンロードできます。Olympus BHSP 22 ページ。 Bhs-p series polarizing microscope

Olympus BHSP 取扱説明書
Centering the Condenser
1) Bring the objective 10X into the light path.
If a specimen is placed on the circular rotat-
able stage without a mechanical stage it is
recommended t o hold the peripheries of the
specimen with the stage clips provided.
2) Swing in the condenser top lens, and bring
the specimen into focus.
3 ) Stop down the field iris diaphragm
O .
slightly blurred image of the field diaphragm
can now be seen in the eyepiece. (Fig. 1 1 )
Fig. 11
4) Adjusting the condenser height, focus on the
image o f the field diaphragm.
If the specimen slide is too thick, i t is sometimes impossible to obtain a sharply-focused
5) While widening the diameter of the field progressively, use the condenser centering screws
t o bring the diaphragm image into the center of view. (Fig. 11)
6) Push analyzer
into the light path, and
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make sure that both polarizer and analyzer
are set at position "0" t o attain the "crossed
filter" position. Then loosen the clamping
of the polarizer. (Fig. 12)
Remove the specimen out of the light path
that a transparent area comes into the
light path. Keeping the polarizer at the
position, rotate the polarizer rotation ring
until the optimum extinction is obtained,
then clamp the ring. (Fig. 12)
Make sure that no test plate i s engaged.