ネットワーク・ルーター Alphatech Blue Gate ISDN BRI BraveのPDF クイック・スタート・マニュアルをオンラインで閲覧またはダウンロードできます。Alphatech Blue Gate ISDN BRI Brave 6 ページ。
Quick Start of Blue gate ISDN Brave
Install BlueGate ISDN Brave Configuration software on your PC. Please, follow instructions in Installation.pdf.
Does SIM card have
PIN code?
TE mode
Set switches for terminal rezistors
Open the box and set switches for terminal rezistors.
There are 4 switches for connecting 100 Ohm terminal rezistors. Switches 1, 2 are used
for TE mode, switches 3, 4 are used for NT mode.
Default setting is TE - off, NT – on
(Synchro mode).
Find out PIN code (at various mobile phone ) and remember it.
When you run Configuration SW you can type it in configuration data.