Before the installation, please estimate the potential electromagnetism problems of the environment
as follows.
a) Upper and lower parts of the welding equipments and other nearby power cable, control cable,
signal cable and phone cable.
b) Wireless electric as well as TV radiation and reception equipment.
c) Computer and other control equipments.
d) Safety-recognition equipment etc. Such as supervise of industrial equipments.
e) Health of people around. Such as personnel using the heart pacemaker or audiphone.
f) Equipments for adjustment and measurement.
g) Anti-disturb capability of other used equipments .Users should ensure these equipments and the
environment are compatible, which may need extra preventive measures.
h) Practical state of the welding and other activities.
Users should observe the following dos and don'ts to decrease radiation interference.
a) Connect the welding equipments to the power supply lines.
b) Maintain the welding equipments regularly.
c) The cable should be short enough to be close to each other and the ground.
d) Ensure the safety of all the welding metal parts and other parts nearby.
e) The workpiece should be well earth.
f) Shield or protect the other cable and equipments to decrease the effects of disturbances. The
welding equipments can be complete shielded in some special conditions.
Users are responsible for interference due to welding.