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GPS Accurate Technology TK100のPDF ユーザーマニュアルをオンラインで閲覧またはダウンロードできます。Accurate Technology TK100 14 ページ。 Gsm/gprs/gps tracker

Accurate Technology TK100 ユーザーマニュアル

6.10 ACC ON alarm

6.10.1 Send SMS"#ACC#ON#" to device to start illegal start alarm
function, when vehicle ignition on, device will reply "ACC!! +IMEI
number+Long&Lat" to the authorized number.
6.10.2 Send SMS"#ACC#OFF#" to device to close the function.

6.11 SOS alarm

When connect external SOS wire, if press the SOS button 3-4 seconds,
device will reply "SOS alarm! +IMEI number+Long&Lat" to authorized

6.12 Time Zone Setting

Remark: UTC+8 is default time zone.
6.12.1 Send SMS
"#timezone#password#direction#time zone value in
munites#". If set OK, it will reply "time zone ok".
hours#time zone in
For example, if in UTC-6, send SMS "#timezone#123456#W#6#00#". If
in UTC+5.30, send SMS "#timezone#123456#E#5#30#".

6.13 Cut oil or circuit

Send SMS "#stopoil#password#" to device, it will reply "stop oil
ok", cut oil successfully.
Send SMS "#stopelec#password#" to device, it will reply "stop
electricity ok", cut circuit successfully.

6.14 Recover oil or circuit

Send SMS "#supplyoil#password#" to device, it will reply "supply oil
ok", recover oil successfully.