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コントローラー FIBARO ROLLER SHUTTER 2のPDF 取扱説明書をオンラインで閲覧またはダウンロードできます。FIBARO ROLLER SHUTTER 2 2 ページ。 Universal, 2-wave compatible, electric motor controller
FIBARO ROLLER SHUTTER 2 にも: 取扱説明書 (2 ページ)

button, connected to S1 terminal will move the
connected roller blind up, and after 1 second delay initiate up
Fibaro Roller Shutter has a MENU. Each MENU level is signaled
movement in associated Roller Shutters, or send Turn On command
through a LED Indicator colour. To enter MENU press and hold the
frame to the devices associated in II-nd association group.
B-button for at least 2 seconds.
button, connected to S2 terminal will move the
conected rolled blind down, and after 1 second delay initiate down
While the B-button is being held, LED Indicator colours will change
movement in associated Roller Shutters, or send Turn Off command
in the following sequence:
frame to the devices associated in II-nd association group.
BLUE - Roller Shutter calibration procedure (see section IX)
VIOLET - initiate the Z-Wave network range tester
GREEN - reset energy consumption data memory (see section XVI)
YELLOW - Roller Shutter reset (see section VIII)
Release the B-button to choose the desired function and confirm
Using association mechanism to operating venetian blinds requires
your choice with the B-button click.
configuring both, I-st and II-nd association groups.
button, connected to S1 terminal will initiate up
movement of the connected venetian blind and other devices
Fibaro Roller Shutter has a built in mechanism, allowing to roughly
associated in I-st association group.
estimate the Z-Wave network range.
button, connected to S2 terminal will initiate down
movement of the connected venetian blind and other devices
associated in I-st association group.
II ASSOCIATION GROUP (relevant for momentary switches only)
button, connected to S1 terminal will initiate slats
rotation up, of the connected venetian blind as well as the other
devices associated in II-nd association group.
button, connected to S2 terminal will initiate slats
rotation down, of the connected venetian blind as well as the other
In order to test the Z-Wave network range:
devices associated in II-nd association group.
1) Press and hold the B-button for ca. 6 seconds, until the LED
Indicator glows violet.
Once the associated devices are already moving,
2) Release the B-button.
they will be stopped if any of the buttons is pressed
3) Click the B-button.
and held.
4) LED Indicator will signal the Z-Wave network range (see
description below).
5) Click the B-button to exit the Range Tester.
Fibaro Roller Shutter allows for operating gate motors. Gate motor
Network range signaling modes:
should be connected to Q1 and Q2 terminals according to Fig.2. In
Z-Wave network range is signaled by LED illumination colour and
the Gate Mode, a momentary switch may be connected to S1
behaviour. Blinking each 1-second means the modules tries to
terminal. It's recommended to connect an IR barrier, an emergency
establish a direct communication with the main controller, while 2
stop button or any alarm mechanism to S2 terminal. Opening a
seconds glowing means the test result. The test is performed in a
contact in a device connected to S2 terminal will always result in
loop, until being stopped by the user. Z-Wave range test is
stopping a motor in current position (see Fig. 2).
performed in three steps, signaled with green, yellow, violet and
Clicking a push button connected to S1 terminal will initiate opening
the gate. Next click of a button will stop the gate. Yet another click of
1) Blinking in GREEN means the module tries to establish a direct
a button will close the gate. According to following seaquence:
communication with the main controller. Positive test result is
signaled by a 2 second glowing in GREEN, after which the test is
repeated (step 1). In practice, if the module is able to establish a
direct communication with the main controller, the LED will glow
GREEN, without blinking.
2) If the module is not able to establish a direct connection with the
main controller, it will try to establish a routed connection, through
another, intermediary, Z-Wave network devices. LED indicator will
change the illumination colour to RED. Positive test result is
signaled with glowing in YELLOW. After 2 seconds the module will
retry establishing a direct communication (step 1).
Fig. 4 Roller Shutter icon in Home Center interface
In Gate Mode, by default, the S1 terminal is set to
operate with a momentary switch, ignoring the
3) If the module is not able to establish a routed connection with the
parameter 14 settings.
main controller, LED Indicator colour will change from YELLOW to
VIOLET. After few seconds test will end and the LED Indicator will
glow RED for two seconds. Whole procedure will start again and
Full opening the gate initiates a Roller Shutter COUNTDOWN. After
the COUNTDOWN the gate will start closing. COUNTDOWN length
the module will try to establish a direct connection with the main
controller (step 1).
is set through the parameter 12. In addition, if the IR barrier is cut (S2
contact opened) at the gate fully open, the gate will start closing after
a time period specified in parameter 17.
Fibaro Roller Shutter allows for the current load and power
In both Gate Modes, with and without positioning,
consumption monitoring. Data is sent to the main controller, e.g.
parameters 12 and 17 are automatically set to 0. At
Home Center 2.
these settings the gate will open, but will not
Measuring is carried out by an independent microprocessor
automatically close. Relevant times need to be set
dedicated exclusively for the purpose, assuring maximum accuracy
manually in parameters 12 and 17 (see section
and precision. The microprocessor is factory calibrated.
Electric power - power consumed by an electric device in an instant,
in Watts (W).
Electric energy - energy consumed by a device through a time
Parameters 12 and 17 settings are automatically
period. Most commonly measured in kilowatt-hours (kWh). One
modified only in Home Center 2 controller, when
kilowatt-hour is equal to one kilowatt of power consumed over a
choosing one of Gate Modes. In case of controllers
period of one hour, 1kWh = 1000 Wh.
from other manufacturers these parameters need to
be set manually (see section XVIII).
Fibaro Roller Shutters electricity consumption memory may be
cleared in one of the following ways:
Installation of the gate driver may be performed only
1) Through the module reset (see section VIII)
by certified professionals. The motor must be
equipped with the appropriate limit switches (see Fig
2) Through the main controller menu (see main controllers
2). It's recommended to connect a NC (normally
operating manual
closed) contact of an IR barrier to S2 terminal.
3) Manually using the following instructions:
Opening the contact will stop the gate. In addition,
a) Make sure the device is connected to voltage supply.
it's recommened to connect an emergency stop
b) Press and hold the B-button for ca. 10 seconds, until LED I
button to the motors neutral (N) wire. In emergency,
ndicator glows GREEN.
pushing the emergency stop button will cut the
c) Release the B-button.
power and stop the gate. It is recomended to monitor
d) Click the B-button.
regulary operation of Fibaro Roller shutter in all
e) Energy consumption memory has been erased.
modes. Also it is recomended to regulary verificate
and maintenance connectors.
S1 and S2 terminals react to mains voltage only.
Using IR barriers with NC contacts operating on
lower voltages require using an additional relay (see
Fig. 2)
Fibaro Roller Shutter uses the Protection Command Class v2 to
prevent from unintended motor movement.
1) Local Protection
Local Protection State:
0 - no protection. Roller Shutter responds to push buttons.
1 - not supported
2 - Local protection active. Roller Shutter does not respond to
push buttons.
Once the Local Protection is activated, the module stops
responding to S1 and S2 push buttons. SCENE ID and association
commands will not be sent as well. The only exception is the
B-button. Menu and Z-Wave network inclusion, after the B-button
or S1 push button triple click, are still active.
In Protection Mode it will not be possible to control
Fibaro Roller Shutter from buttons. It is not
recomended to control all Fibaro Roller Shutters in
To allow for the Z-Wave network range test, the
this mode.
Z-Wave network controller needs to support the
functionality and the module needs to be included
in the network. Z-Wave range test puts heavy strain
There's one more exception in Local Protection. In
on the network, so it's recommended to use the
Gate Mode, S2 (IR Barrier) is still active. It means if
function only in special cases.
the obstacle is detected, the gate will stop,
regardless the Local Protection State set.
2) RF Protection (radio protection)
RF Protection State:
0 – No protection. Roller Shutter responds to command frames.
1 - RF Protection active. Roller Shutter does not respond to the
Z-Wave control frames.
2 - not supported.
Once the RF Protection is activated, the module stops responding
to command frames setting the blind position. It's still possible
however to configure the device (advanced configuration
parameters, protection modes) and checking it's current state
through polling (position, power, energy).
3. Reports type
0 – Blind position reports sent to the main controller using Z-Wave
Command Class.
1 - Blind position reports sent to the main controller using Fibar
Command Class.
Parameters value shoud be set to 1 if the module operates in
Venetian Blind mode.
Default setting: 0
Parameter size: 1 [byte]
To make sure whether Fibar Command Class is
supported by Z-Wave network main controllers
from other manufacturers, please contact the
The module may modify the main controller
controllers manufacturer.
communication from direct to routed and vice
versa, especially if it's located at the direct
10. Roller Shutter operating modes:
communication range limit.
0 - Roller Blind Mode, without positioning
1 - Roller Blind Mode, with positioning
2 - Venetian Blind Mode, with positioning
3 - Gate Mode, without positioning
4 - Gate Mode, with positioning
Default settng: 1
Parameter size: 1 [byte]
12. In Venetian Blind mode (parameter 10 set to 2) the parameter
determines time of full turn of the slats.
In Gate Mode (parameter 10 set to 3 or 4) the parameter defines the
COUNTDOWN time, i.e. the time period after which an open gate
starts closing. In any other operating mode the parameter value is
Value of 0 means the gate will not close automatically.
Available settings: 0-65535 (0 - 655,35s)
Default setting: 150 (1,5 s)
Parameter size: 2 [bytes]
13. Set slats back to previous position.
In Venetian Blind Mode (parameter 10 set to 2) the parameter
influences slats positioning in various situations. In any other
operating mode the parameter value is irrelevant.
0 - Slats return to previously set position only in case of the
main controller operation.
1 - Slats return to previously set position in case of the main
controller operation, momentary switch operation, or when the
limit switch is reached.
2 - Slats return to previously set position in case of the main
controller operation, momentary switch operation, when the limit
switch is reached or after receiving a "STOP" control frame
(Switch Multilevel Stop).
Default setting: 1
Parameter size: 1 [byte]
14. Switch type.
The parameter settings are relevant for Roller Blind Mode and
Venetian Blind Mode (parameter 10 set to 0, 1, 2).
0 - Momentary switches
1 - Toggle switches
2 - Single, momentary switch. (The switch should be connected to
1) Please contact your local supplier for the current
S1 terminal)
Default setting: 0
Parameter size: 1 [byte]
2) Fibaro Roller Shutter stores consumed electricity
data on its memory, which means disconnecting the
17. In Roller Blind Mode or Venetian Blind mode (parameter 10
module from voltage supply does not erase the
set to 0, 1, 2) the parameter determines when the Roller Shutter
relays are turned off after reaching a limit switch.
In Gate Mode (parameter 10 set to 3 or 4) the parameter determines
a time period after which a gate will start closing after a S2 contact
has been disconnected. In this mode, time to turn off the Roller
This limited warranty is provided by Fibar USA, LLC (the "Company"),
Shutter relays after reaching a limit switch is set to 3 seconds and
1040 E. Lake Ave., Glenview, Illinois 60025, as the sole and exclusive
cannot be modified. 0 means the gate will note close automatically.
remedy offered to a purchaser (the "Customer") of the products (the
"Products") for any alleged defects in any of the Products. The warranty
Available settings: 0 - 255 (0,1-25,5s).
is subject to all terms sets forth below.
Default setting: 10 (1s).
Parameter size: 1 [byte]
Subject to the limitations of section 2, the company warrants that the
18. Motor operation detection.
products sold by the company to the customer will be free from defects in
Power threshold to be interpreted as reaching a limit switch.
material and workmanship under normal use and regular service and
Available settings: 0 - 255 (1-255 W)
maintenance for a period of one (1) year from the date of purchase of the
products. The one-year period may be referred to as the "limited warranty
The value of 0 means reaching a limit switch will not be detected
Default setting: 10 (10W).
Parameter size: 1 [byte]
This is the sole and exclusive warranty given by the company with
respect to the products and is in lieu of and excludes all other warranties,
22. Motor operation time.
express or implied, arising by operation of law or otherwise, including
Time period for the motor to continue operation.
without limitation, any implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a
particular purpose, non-infringement and the implied condition of
Available settings: 0 – 65535 (0 – 65535s)
satisfactory quality.
The value of 0 means the function is disabled.
Default setting: 240 (240s. – 4 minutes)
The product is not, is not intended to function or be used as, should not
Parameter size: 2 [bytes]
be used as, and shall not be deemed to be, an alarm system or home
security system. The product's intended use shall not include use as an
29. Forced Roller Shutter calibration.
alarm system or home security system.
By modifying the parameters setting from 0 to 1 a Roller Shutter
enters the calibration mode. The parameter relevant only if a Roller
This limited warranty does not extend to any losses or damages due in
whole or in part to misuse, accident, abuse, neglect, normal wear and
Shutter is set to work in positioning mode (parameter 10 set to 1, 2
tear, negligence (other than the Company's), unauthorized modification
or 4).
or alteration, use beyond rated capacity, unsuitable power sources or
1 - Start calibration process
environmental conditions, improper installation, repair, handling,
maintenance or application, third party actions or omissions (whether as
Default setting: 0
an agent or apparent agent of the Company), criminal acts, or any other
Parameter size: 1 [byte]
cause not the direct fault of the Company.
30. Response to general alarm
If within the limited warranty period, the Customer discovers any covered
0 - No reaction.
warranty defects and notifies the Company within thirty (30) days of such
1 - Open blind.
discovery, pursuant to the Claims Procedure in Section 4 below, the
2 - Close blind.
Company shall, at its option and as the Customer's exclusive remedy,
repair or replace F.O.B. point of manufacture.
Default setting: 2
Parameter size: 1 [byte]
The remedies set forth in this limited warranty are exclusive. The sole and
exclusive remedy for breach of any warranty hereunder shall be limited to
31. Response to flooding alarm
repair or replacement of the products.
0 - No reaction.
In the event that the product cannot be repaired or replaced, the company
1 - Open blind.
reserves the right to substitute a product of similar technical parameters.
2 - Close blind.
The company will not refund the purchase price of the original product.
Default setting: 0
Parameter size: 1 [byte]
Failure by the Customer to give such written notice within the thirty (30)
32. Response to smoke, CO or CO2 alarm
day time period shall be deemed an absolute and unconditional waiver of
the Customer's claim for such covered defects. All costs and expenses
0 - No reaction.
of dismantling, reinstallation and freight, including the time of the
1 - Open blind.
Company's personnel and representatives for site travel and diagnosis
2 - Close blind.
under this limited warranty, shall be borne by the Customer unless
accepted in writing by the Company. Products repaired or replaced
Default setting: 1
during the limited warranty period shall be covered by the foregoing
Parameter size: 1 [byte]
limited warranty for the remainder of the limited warranty period.
33. Response to temperature alarm
The Customer assumes all other responsibility for any loss, damage, or
0 - No reaction.
injury to persons or property arising out of, connected with, or resulting
1 - Open blind.
from the use of Products, either alone or in combination with other
2 - Close blind.
Default setting: 1
Parameter size: 1 [byte]
In no event, regardless of the form of the claim or cause of action
(whether based in contract, infringement, negligence, strict liability, other
35. Managing slats in response to alarm.
tort or otherwise), shall the company's liability to the customer or any third
In Venetian Blind Mode (parameter 10 set to 2), the parameter
party exceed the price paid by the customer for the specific products
determines how the slats will react upon alarm detection. In any
giving rise to the claim or cause of action.
other modes, the parameter value is not relevant.
To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, the company shall
0 - Do not change slats position - slats return to the last set
not be liable to the customer or any third party for any general, direct,
indirect, incidental, special, consequential, or punitive damages,
including, but not limited to, loss of profits or anticipated profits, business
1 - Set slats to their extreme position.
interruption, loss of use, revenue, reputation and data, costs incurred,
Default setting: 1
loss or damage to property or equipment, bodily injury, or death, arising
Parameter size: 1 [byte]
from any claim or cause of action relating to the product, whether such is
based on warranty, contract, tort (including negligence and strict liability.
These limitations shall apply notwithstanding any failure of essential
purpose of any remedy. Some states and/or jurisdictions do not allow the
40. Power reports.
exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages so the
Power level change that will result in new power value report being
above exclusions may not apply to certain customers.
sent. The parameter defines a change that needs to occur in order to
The Customer assumes all other responsibility for any loss, damage, or
trigger the report. The value is a percentage of the previous report.
injury to persons or property arising out of, connected with, or resulting
Power report threshold available settings: 1-100 (1-100%).
from the use of Products, either alone or in combination with other
Value of 0 means the reports are turned off.
Default setting: 10 (10%).
Parameter size: 1 [byte]
The Customer shall make a claim by written notice to the Company
through the contact information listed on its website at www.fibaro.com or
42. Periodic power or energy reports.
by contacting the Company through the telephone number listed on the
The parameter defines a time period between consecutive reports.
website. Any telephone conversations will be recorded. The Company
will issue a designated claim number for each claim made. The Customer
Available settings: 1-65534 (1-65534 seconds)
may be contacted by an authorized warranty service representative to
Value of 0 means the reports are turned off.
arrange a date for an inspection of the Product. This inspection shall be
in the presence of the Customer. The Product that is the subject of the
Default setting: 3600 (3600 seconds / 60 minutes).
claim shall be made available by the Customer together with complete
Parameter size: 2 [bytes]
standard equipment and the documents confirming the Product's
purchase. Covered defects (as determined by the Company or its
43. Energy reports.
authorized service representative) found during the limited warranty
Energy level change which will result in new energy value report
period shall be remedied within thirty (30) days from the date of
being sent. The parameter defines a change that needs to occur in
inspection or the date the Product is delivered to the Company or its
order to trigger the report.
authorized service representative, whichever is later. The limited
warranty period shall be extended by the time that the Product is in the
Energy threshold available settings: 1-254 (0,01 - 2,54kWh).
possession of the authorized service representative or the Company.
Value of 0 means the reports are turned off.
Remember: before you submit a warranty claim, contact our technical
support using telephone or e-mail. More than 50% of operational
Default setting 10 (0,1kWh).
problems is resolved remotely, saving time and money spent to initiating
Parameter size: 1 [byte]
claim procedure.
44. Self-measurement.
A Roller Shutter may include power and energy used by itself in
Please read this section carefully. It affects customers' rights and will
reports sent to the main controller.
have a substantial impact on how claims the company and the customer
have against each other are resolved. This limited warranty contains a
0 - Self-measurement inactive.
binding arbitration provision which may be enforced by the parties.
1 - Self-measurement active.
The Company and the Customer agree that any claim or dispute at law or
Default setting: 0
equity that has arisen or may arise between them relating in any way to
Parameter size: 1 [byte]
or arising out of this limited warranty or the Products will be resolved in
accordance with the provisions set forth in this Section.
50. Scenes / Associations activation.
A. Applicable Law. The Customer and the Company agree that, except
Parameter determines whether scenes or associations are activated
to the extent inconsistent with or preempted by federal law, the laws of
by the switch keys.
the State of Illinois, without regard to principles of conflict of laws, will
0 - Associations activation
govern the limited warranty and Products and any claim or dispute that
has arisen or may arise between the Company and the Customer, except
1 - Scenes activation
as otherwise stated herein. The Federal Arbitration Act governs the
Default setting: 0
interpretation and enforcement of this Section 5. The U.N. Convention on
Parameter size: 1 [byte]
Contracts for the International Sales of Goods shall not apply.
B. Agreement to Arbitrate. The Company and the Customer each
agree that any and all disputes or claims that have arisen or may arise
between them relating to or arising out of this limited warranty or the
Products shall be resolved exclusively through final and binding
arbitration, rather than in a court proceeding. Alternatively, the Customer
may assert his/her claims in small claims court, if the claims qualify and
so long as the matter remains in such court and advances only on an
individual (non-class, non-representative) basis.
The Company and the Customer agree that each of them may bring
claims against the other only on an individual basis and not as a plaintiff
or class member in any purported class or representative action or
proceeding. Unless both the Company and the Customer agree, the
arbitration may not consolidate or join more than one person's claims and
many not otherwise preside over any form of a consolidated, representa-
tive, or class proceeding.
C. Opt-Out. The Customer may opt-out of this agreement to arbitrate by
sending the Company a written opt-out notice, via certified mail and
postmarked no later than 30 days after the date of purchase of the
Product. The opt-out notice must include the Customer's name and
address, the serial number of the Product purchased, and the date and
location of the purchase. All other parts of this limited warranty will still
D. Procedures. The arbitration shall be administered by JAMS pursuant
to its Comprehensive Arbitration Rules and Procedures or pursuant to
JAMS' Streamlined Arbitration Rules and Procedures, whichever as
applicable. JAMS' rules are available at www.jamsadr.com. The use of
the word "arbitrator" in this provision shall not be construed to prohibit
more than one arbitrator from presiding over the arbitration; rather, the
JAMS' rules will govern the number of arbitrators that may preside over
an arbitration. The Customer will have a reasonable opportunity to
participate in the selection of the arbitrator.
A Customer who intends to seek arbitration must first make a written
claim against the Company pursuant to Section 4. If the Customer and
the Company are unable to resolve the claim within thirty (30) days from
the date of the notice, the Company or the Customer may initiate
arbitration proceedings. A form for initiating arbitration proceedings is
available on JAMS' website. In addition to filing the form with JAMS, the
party initiating the arbitration must mail a copy of the completed form to
the other party. In the event the Company initiates arbitration against a
Customer, it will send a copy of the completed form to the physical
address the Company has on file for the Customer.
The arbitration hearing shall be held in the county in which the Customer
resides or at another mutually agreed location.
Arbitration uses a neutral arbitrator instead of a judge or jury. Discovery
or the exchange of non-privileged information will be allowed pursuant to
JAMS' rules. The arbitrator will decide the substance of all claims in
accordance with applicable law, including recognized principles of equity,
and will honor all claims of privilege recognized by law. An arbitrator can
award the same damages and relief on an individual basis that a court
can award to an individual. The arbitrator's award shall be final and
binding and judgment on the award rendered by the arbitrator may be
entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof. An award will consist of a
written statement stating the disposition of each claim, and will include a
concise written statement of the essential findings and conclusions on
which the award is based.
Payment of all filing, administration and arbitrator fees is governed by
JAMS; provided, however, that when a Customer initiates arbitration
against the Company, the fee required to be paid by the Customer is that
amount designated by JAMS for consumer arbitrations. All other costs
will be paid by the Company.
If an arbitrator or court decides that any part of this limited warranty is
invalid or unenforceable, the other parts of the limited warranty shall still
apply to the extent applicable. In the event that this agreement to arbitrate
is wholly inapplicable, the Customers agree that any claim or dispute that
has arisen or may arise between the Customer and the Company must
be resolved exclusively by a state or federal court located in Cook
County, Illinois. The Customer agrees to submit to the personal
jurisdiction of the courts located within Cook County, Illinois, for the
purpose of litigating all such claims or disputes.
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules.
Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
1. This device may not cause harmful interference
2. This device must accept any interference received, including
interference that may cause undesired operation. This equipment has
been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital
device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed
to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a
residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate
radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with
the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communica-
tions. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a
particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference
to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the
equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the
interference by one or more of the following measures:
• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
• Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to
which the receiver is connected.
• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
Industry Canada (IC) Compliance Notice
This device complies with Industry Canada license-exempt RSSs.
Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may
not cause interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference,
including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.
Cet appareil est conforme aux normes d'exemption de licence RSS
d'Industry Canada. Son fonctionnement est soumis aux deux conditions
suivantes : (1) cet appareil ne doit pas causer d'interférence et (2) cet
appareil doit accepter toute interférence, notamment les interférences qui
peuvent affecter son fonctionnement.
This Device may be used with all devices
certified with Z-Wave certificate and should be
compatible with such devices produced by
other manufacturers.
Any device compatible with Z-Wave may be added
to Fibaro system.
Hereby, Fibar Group S.A. declares that this Fibaro
Roller Shutter 2 is in compliance with the essential
requirements and other relevant provisions of
Directive 1999/5/EC.