FM aerial
External FM aerial
AM loop
75 ohm coax-
ial cable
Aerial connection
Supplied FM aerial
Connect the FM aerial wire to the FM 75 OHMS terminal and
position the FM aerial wire in the direction where the strongest
signal can be received.
Supplied AM loop aerial
Connect the AM loop aerial wire to the AM LOOP socket. Position
the AM loop aerial for optimum reception.
Place the AM loop aerial on a shelf, etc., or attach it to a stand
or a wall with screws (not supplied).
Do not place the aerial on the main unit as it may result in
noise pickup from the internal digital electronics.
Place the aerial away from the unit for better reception.
If the AM loop aerial and the FM aerial wire are placed near
the AC power lead, interference may result.
External FM aerial
Use an external FM aerial if you require better reception.
Consult your dealer.
When an external FM aerial is used, disconnect the supplied FM
aerial wire.