- ページ 15

オール・イン・ワン・プリンター Sharp AR-C260MのPDF プリンター操作マニュアルをオンラインで閲覧またはダウンロードできます。Sharp AR-C260M 50 ページ。 Color adjustment
Sharp AR-C260M にも: ネットワークスキャナの操作 (42 ページ), キー操作マニュアル (19 ページ), ソフトウェア・インストール・マニュアル (25 ページ), カラーマネジメント・マニュアル (8 ページ), インストレーション・マニュアル (15 ページ), ユーザーマニュアル (8 ページ)

Sharp AR-C260M プリンター操作マニュアル
N-Up Printing
Each page is reduced to allow multiple pages to
be printed on each sheet. The pages are printed
in "Z" order on each sheet.
The following five settings are available:
[1-Up], [2-Up], [4-Up], [6-Up], [8-Up].
Default setting: 1-Up
Example: 4-Up
This setting is greyed out when [1-Up] is selected.
Select whether or not to print a border around each
page when a setting other than 1-Up is selected.
Default setting: Not selected
User Settings
The user can store up to 30 sets of settings,
allowing the settings to be easily changed by
simply selecting the desired set.
Default setting: Factory Defaults
Save the settings under the name that appears in
"User Settings".
Up to 20 characters can be entered for the name.
If none of the settings have been changed (the
settings are still the factory defaults), this button
will be greyed out.
When [Delete] appears in the button, it can be
clicked to delete a stored set of user settings.
Auto Job Control review
Select this to have the job control screen
constantly displayed when printing from the
printer driver.
Default setting: Not selected
SELECTING PRINTING FUNCTIONS Frequently used settings (continued)
Configure settings for staple or punch finishing.
[Binding Edge]
When automatic two-sided printing is performed,
the [Binding Edge] setting is used to determine
how the top and bottom edges of the front and
back sides are positioned. The relation between
the document and each of the settings is as
Original image
Left binding
Rignt binding
Binding edge
Binding edge
Default setting: Left
[None]............ Do not staple.
[1 Staple] ....... Staple in one place.
[2 Staples] ..... Staple in two places.
When [1 Staple] or [2 Staples] is selected, the
[Collate] setting is automatically activated.
Default setting: None
Configure the settings for the Punch function.
When this is selected, the document will be hole-
punched. The Collate setting is automatically
activated when Punch is selected.
Default setting: Not selected
[No Offset]
Select this setting when you do not wish sets of
collated or grouped output to be offset from each
Default setting: Not selected
Top binding
Binding edge