- ページ 15

冷蔵庫 Sharp SJ-SRD675M-WS2のPDF ユーザーマニュアルをオンラインで閲覧またはダウンロードできます。Sharp SJ-SRD675M-WS2 36 ページ。 Top freezer

Replacing the Refrigerator and Freezer Light Bulb
1. Unplug the unit from the power supply,
2. Remove the refrigerator light cover with a minus screw driver, and take out the cover.(A)
3. Change the present light bulb with a new one of not more than 15 W.(B)
4. Replace the light cover and after waiting 5 minutes plug the unit.(C)
Replacing LED Lighting
If your fridge freezer has LED lighting contact the Sharp help desk as this should be changed by authorized personnel


Refrigerator Compartment
• For normal operating conditions, adjusting the temperature value of the cooler partition of the fridge to 4°C is
• To reduce the humidity and consequently increase frost, never place liquids in unsealed containers in the
refrigerator. Frost tends to concentrate in the coldest parts of the evaporator and, in time, will require more
frequent defrosting.
• Never place warm food in the refrigerator. Warm food should be allowed to cool at room temperature and should
be arranged to ensure adequate air circulation in the refrigerator compartment.
• Nothing should touch the back wall as this will cause frost and the packages may stick to the back wall. Do not
open the refrigerator door too frequently.
• Arrange the meat and cleaned fish(wrapped in packages or sheets of plastic) which you will use in 1-2 days, in
the bottom section of the refrigerator compartment (that is above the crisper) as this is the coldest section and
will ensure the best storing conditions.
• You can put fruits and vegetables into the crisper without packing.
Freezer Compartment
• Please use the deep freeze compartment of your refrigerator for storing frozen food for a long time and for
producing ice.
• To get maximum capacity for the freezer compartment, please just use glass shelves for the upper and middle
section. For the bottom section, please use the lower basket.
• Please do not place the food you that needs to be frozen next to the already frozen food.
• You should freeze the food to be frozen (meat, minced meat, fish, etc.) by dividing it into meal sized portions.
• Please do not refreeze frozen food once it has already thawed. It may pose a danger to your health as it may
cause food poisoning.
• Do not place the hot meals in your deep freeze before they become cold. You would cause the other food frozen
beforehand in the deep freeze to become putrefied.
• When you buy frozen food, makes sure that it has been frozen under appropriate conditions and that the
package is not torn.
• While storing frozen food, the storage conditions on the package should be observed. If there is no additional
information, the food must be consumed within the shortest time possible.
• If the frozen food package was subject to humidity and has a foul smell, it might have been previously stored
under unsuitable conditions and gone rotten. Do not purchase this type of food!
• The storage durations of frozen food change depending on the ambient temperature, the frequency of the
opening and closing of the doors, thermostat settings, food type and the time elapsed from the purchase time of
the food to the time it is placed into the freezer. Always follow the instructions on the package and never exceed
the indicated storage duration.
EN -13-