Status of digital inputs
Terminal 5
Terminals 6, 64
Terminal 7
Terminals 8, 65
Terminal 16
Terminals 17, 66 DI 5
Terminal 67
Terminals 3, 4
Terminals 10, 11 AI 1
Terminal 41
Terminal 42
Terminal 43
Terminal 44
Terminal 51
Terminal 52
Terminal 53
Terminal 54
Signal source for terminal DO 0
Terminals 19, 20 (NO contact)
Terminals 18, 20 (NC contact)
Signal source for terminal DO 1
Terminals 21, 22 (NO contact)
Signal source for terminal DO 2
Terminals 24, 25 (NO contact)
Terminals 23, 25 (NC contact)
Analog inputs actual value [%]
Terminals 3, 4
Terminals 10, 11 AI 1
Analog inputs type
AI 0
AI 1
Analog outputs signal source
Terminals 12, 13 AO 0
Terminals 26, 27 AO 1
Analog outputs type
AO 0
AO 1
CU250S-2 Control Units
Compact Operating Instructions, 01/2016, A5E37058195B AA
DI 0
Selection of possible settings:
DI 1
p0840 ON/OFF (OFF1)
p0844 no coast down (OFF2)
DI 2
p0848 no quick stop (OFF3)
DI 3
p0855 unconditionally release holding
DI 4
p1020 fixed speed setpoint selection bit 0
p1021 fixed speed setpoint selection bit 1
DI 6
p1022 fixed speed setpoint selection bit 2
AI 0
p1023 fixed speed setpoint selection bit 3
p1035 motorized potentiometer raise
DI 16
p1036 motorized potentiometer lower
DI 17
p2103 acknowledge faults
DI 18
p1055 jog bit 0
DI 19
p1056 jog bit 1
DI 24
DI 25
DI 26
DI 27
Selection of possible settings:
52.0 ready for switching on
52.1 ready for operation
52.2 operation enabled
52.3 fault present
52.4 coast down active (OFF2)
52.5 quick stop active (OFF3)
52.14 motor rotates forward
53.0 DC braking active
53.1 n_act > p2167 (n_off)
AI 0
0: Unipolar voltage input (0 V ...+10 V)
1: Unipolar voltage input monitored (+2 V... +10 V)
2: Unipolar current input (0 mA ...+20 mA)
3: Unipolar current input monitored (+4 mA ...+20 mA)
4: Bipolar voltage input (-10 V...+10 V)
Selection of possible settings:
0: Analog output locked
21: Speed actual value
24: Output frequency, smoothed
0: Current output (0 mA ... +20 mA)
1: Voltage output (0 V ... +10 V)
2: Current output (+4 mA ... +20 mA)
4.3 Frequently required parameters
p1110 inhibit negative direction
p1111 inhibit positive direction
p1113 setpoint inversion
p1122 bypass ramp-function generator
p1140 enable/inhibit ramp-function
p1141 continue/freeze ramp-function
p1142 enable/inhibit setpoint
p1230 DC braking activation
p2103 acknowledge faults
p2106 external fault 1
p2112 external alarm 1
p2200 technology controller enable
53.2 n_act ≤ p1080 (n_min)
53.3 I_act > p2170
53.4 n_act > p2155
53.5 n_act ≤ p2155
53.6 n_act ≥ n_set
53.10 Technology controller output at
the lower limit
53.11 Technology controller output at
the upper limit
25: Output voltage, smoothed
26: DC link voltage, smoothed
27: Actual current value (smoothed absolute