- ページ 12

IP電話 Cisco Unified 7912GのPDF ネットワーク設定の構成をオンラインで閲覧またはダウンロードできます。Cisco Unified 7912G 34 ページ。 Ip talk series
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Cisco Unified 7912G ネットワーク設定の構成
Verifying Network Settings
Table 4-2
Network Settings (continued)
Network Setting
GARP Enabled
DSCP For Call
DSCP For Services DSCP IP classification for phone-based services.
Handset Only
Web Access
Cisco Unified IP Phone Administration Guide for Cisco Unified CallManager 4.2, Cisco Unified IP Phone
Indicates whether the phone learns MAC
addresses from Gratuitous ARP responses.
Disabling the ability to accept Gratuitous ARP
will prevent applications that use this mechanism
to monitor and record voice streams from
working. If voice monitoring is not desired, set
this option to No (disabled).
DSCP IP classification for call control signalling. Use Cisco Unified
DSCP IP classification for any phone
configuration transfer.
Indicates whether the speaker is enabled (No) or
disabled (Yes).
Indicates whether the internal web server is
enabled (Yes) or disabled (No) for the phone.
When disabled, you cannot access web pages for
the phone.
Related Topics
Verifying Network Settings, page 4-7
Modifying DHCP Settings, page 4-13
Configuring IP Settings, page 4-17
Modifying VLAN Settings, page 4-26
Configuring TFTP Options, page 4-29
Chapter 4
Configuring Network Settings on the Cisco Unified IP Phone
Usage Notes
Use Cisco Unified
Administration to modify.
CallManager to modify.
Use Cisco Unified
CallManager to modify.
Use Cisco Unified
CallManager to modify.
Use Cisco Unified
CallManager to modify.
Use Cisco Unified
CallManager to modify.