E. Logging Parameters (1100D Only)
To change the logging interval, press and hold the MENU key down
to activate menu mode until the 1100D beeps and "EDIT" is
Press the menu key repeatedly until logger interval mode is
displayed. See below.
To set the intervals p r e s s the RIGHT ARROW key to set the
desired value in seconds. Holding the key down will increase the
value rapidly. Press the LEFT ARROW key and the minute's d i g i t s
will blink. Press the RIGHT ARROW key to set the desired value.
Press the LEFT ARROW key to cycle to the hour digits. Press the
RIGHT ARROW key to set the desired value.
After the desired interval is set press the MENU key to go to the
next selection or press and hold the MENU key to exit menu mode.
Logging Parameters 1100D Only (continued)
To change the logging start time, press and hold the MENU key
down to activate menu mode until the 1100D beeps and "EDIT" is
Press the menu key repeatedly until logger start time mode is dis-
played. See below.
To set the start time press the RIGHT ARROW key to set the desired
value in seconds. Holding the key down will increase the value
rapidly. Press the LEFT ARROW key and the minute's d i g i t s will blink.
Press the RIGHT ARROW key to set the desired value. Press the
LEFT ARROW key to cycle to the hour digits. Press the RIGHT
ARROW key to set the desired value.
After the desired start time is set press the MENU key to go to the
next selection or press and hold the MENU key to exit menu mode.