- ページ 7

スキャナー Epson ActionLaser 1500のPDF 製品サポート速報をオンラインで閲覧またはダウンロードできます。Epson ActionLaser 1500 8 ページ。 Imaging cartridge replacement procedure
Epson ActionLaser 1500 にも: 紙と紙の配達 (11 ページ), セットアップマニュアル (18 ページ), インストレーション・マニュアル (7 ページ), 製品仕様 (1 ページ)

Epson ActionLaser 1500 製品サポート速報
18. Q. How does the automatic interface switching work
ActionLaser 1000 and ActionLaser 1500?
A. The ActionLaser 1500 comes standard with parallel and serial interfaces,
allowing two users to share a single printer. By installing an optional third
interface, three users can share the printer. The ActionLaser 1000
supports a single user with the standard parallel interface. With an
optional interface installed, two users can share the printer. It is not
necessary to connect the ActionLasers through a network or switchbox to
activate the switching of the interface ports. Also, no control panel
functions need to be made. Optional emulations will require more
The printer can receive data from one interface while printing data from
the other interface. The first job received is the first to print. Each job
prints completely before another begins printing.
19. Q. Can I get a print out of the current settings of the printer?
A. Yes, to print the STATUS SHEET follow the steps below:
Press the SelecType Level 1 button to enter SelecType mode.
Press the down arrow button (CONTINUE) until "STATUS SHEET
appears on the LCD screen.
Press the right arrow button (FEED) twice to execute the
After the page prints, press the ON LINE button once to return the
printer to an on-line condition.
20. Q. Is there a separate "FONT SAMPLE" print of the internal fonts and
cartridge fonts?
A. Yes, to print the "FONT SAMPLE", follow the steps below:
Press the SelecType Level 1 button to enter SelecType mode.
Press the down arrow button (CONTINUE) until "FONT SAMPLE'
appears on the LCD screen.
Press the right arrow button (FEED) twice to execute the "FONT
After the page prints, press the ON LINE button once to return the
printer to an on-line condition.
PSB No: P-0095A
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