- ページ 17

アンプ Pioneer SA-530のPDF サービスマニュアルをオンラインで閲覧またはダウンロードできます。Pioneer SA-530 27 ページ。

Pioneer SA-530 サービスマニュアル
ldle Current
1. Set the SPEAKERS switch to the OFF posi
tion, turn the VOLUME all the way down and
then turn power on for about 10 minutes.
2. After the power has been left on for about 10
minutes, confirm that the voltages between
TP4 @ and TPB Q
(the left channel) and
between TP1 @ and TP2 O
are each be-
tween 0.9mV and 101mV. If a voltage is below
0.9mV, cut the jumper wire of the channel
where the problem exists (jumper wire A for
the left, jumper wire B for the right).
If a voltage is aboue lOImV,
chech the circuits to see if
there is a malfunction.
Output Indicators (Level Meter)
1. Remove the front panel assembly following the
directions in the disassembly section.
Set the SPEAKERS switch to the A position,
the FUNCTION switch to the AUX setting and
tum all other switches OFF.
And connect an 8S} resistor and AC volt-
meter to the speaker output terminal.
Apply a lkHz sine wave, 150mV srgnal to the
AUX terminals and ajust the VOLUME (VR 1)
so that the voltage at speaker terminal A is
Adjust VR 5 (left) and VR 6 (right), the semi-
fixed resistance of the control assemhly so that
the output indicator reading is 10 wa'"hs.
Replacing the AF Assembly (AWK-199) P.C. Board
The AF assembly (AWK-199) used in the SA-
530 can also be used in the SA-330. When replac-
ing the AF assembly (AWK-199) of SA-530, cut
jumper wire C (connected in parallel with R82,
120 ohms).
J u m p e r w i r e C
( C o n n e c t e d i n p a r a l l e l w i t h R 8 2 , 1 2 0 o h m s )
V R l ( V O L U M E )
3 .
Front view
s w i t c h
:D @@
Jumper wire B
(Connected in parallel
- l Y C
d +TP3
with R38,82 ohms)
T P I -
@ c
@ o
f f i f f i m o o
L - C n
o o f f i
J u m p e r w i r e A
( C o n n e c t e d i n p a r a l l e l w i t h R 3 7 . 8 2 o h m s l
L E D l e v e l m e t e r m o d u l e
l--l te t@ I
Do l;l
oTl [--J
o o
F i g . 1 2 - 1 A d j u s t m e n t o f i d l e c u r r e n t a n d o u t p u t i n d i c a t o r
1 7