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アンプ Pioneer SA-9900のPDF 取扱説明書をオンラインで閲覧またはダウンロードできます。Pioneer SA-9900 17 ページ。 Integrated stereo amplifier
Pioneer SA-9900 にも: 取扱説明書 (16 ページ)

Pioneer SA-9900 取扱説明書
Stereo System Composition...
Connection Diagram
Front Panel Facilities ......e;00see002
Before Operation .
Employing Tape Deck
Effective Operation
Employing PRE OUT & POWER IN Jacks...
Conditions Frequently Mistaken for
Superior DC Balanced Circuitry
Differential amplifier circuits are employed inthe equalizer,
tone control, and power amplifier sections. Each amplifier
section is supalied by a balanced power supply systom that
assures excellent DC balance and stability, while nearly
climinating switching noise daring control operation,
High Power Output at Low Distortion
DDC stability is enhanced by the 2-stage dltferontial ampli
fier and pure complementary OCL citeuits are employed
for direct coupling of all stages. Constant current load c i r
'cuits are used in 2 locations an a large negative Feedback is
applied due to the high gain circuit composition. A wick
band high power output can be obtained with broad
dynamic range and low distortion.
Precise RIAA Equalization
Utwraprecision grade metalized film resistors (sputtering
procets) and styrene capacitors ate combined as equalized
ements. Deviation from the RIAA curve has been reduced
bby 10.24 in the frequency range of 30H2~ L5kHz. An FET
Is employed in the 1st stage differential amplifier and by
adopting a 3stage direct coupled SEPP circuit, input
impedance variation due to frequeney is minimized, High
ability is attained at low distortion, in addition to a greatly
expanded acceptable input lovel. Distertionless disc repro-
duction can therefore by enjoyed, even with a high output
cartridge and a dynamic music source containing large peak
Delicate Tone Adjustments
The Pioneer developed win tone control cireuit is applied
to the conventional Biss and Treble controls, Super-low and
super-high bands can be individually adjusted 10 provide
delicate compensation for such factors as room acoustics
and speaker and cartridge frequency characteristics. A Tone
switch is also provided which can be used to compare the
effectiveness of the fone controls
Reliable Electronic Protection Circuit
In event of speaker shorting or malfunction in which DC is
applied to the output, speakers and transistors are reliably
guarded by an electronic protection cireuit. This circult also
vets as a muting circuit when the power switch is turned on
and off
Accurate Volume Control Expands Adjustment
The Volume control is equipped with a precision attenu:
itor of the type employed in measuring instruments
Dither high reliablicy equipment, Volume adjustment can be
easly performed when listening at low volume levels, tem
porarily reducing the volume, or employing a low input
level (high sain) power amplifier, The volume adjustment
range can also be expanded by employing the volume
control and attenuator switch in combination.
Phono 2 Jacks Provided with Impedance Selector &
Level Contra
'A convenient impedance selector switch (35k, SOKO,
7OKQ, 100k{1) and level control (0 ~ -12dB) are provided
for the PHONO 2 jacks for matching cartridge ourput
characteristics, comparison listening, etc
pe Switch for Easy Tape Duplication
By connecting 2 tape decks, the desired program only from
2 previously recorded tape can be ected and re-recorded,
The Duplicate switch also lets open reel tape be duplicated
onto cassette tape,
Audiophile Functions Incorporated
A PREJPOWER AMP selector switch plus PRE QUI and
POWER IN jacks are included. An external power amplifier
can be connected to the PRE OUT jacks to allow listening
Comparison and power amplification, This feature can alo
be employed for composing a multé-amplifier or + channel
system, A single SA-9900 can thus be used to set up various
kinds of audio sysiems,