- ページ 19

ウォーターヒーター Ariston FLECK NILOのPDF 設置、使用、メンテナンスに関する説明書をオンラインで閲覧またはダウンロードできます。Ariston FLECK NILO 44 ページ。

Reset/Diagnostica (Fig. 3 and 4)
When one of the malfunctions described above occurs, the appliance will enter its "fault status" and all LED's
on the control panel, except led, will flash simultaneously.
Reset: to reset the appliance, switch the product off and on again using the " " (Ref. A), If the cause of the
malfunction disappears immediately following the reset process, the appliance will resume normal operation.
If this is not the case, all the LEDs will continue to flash; contact the Technical Assistance Centre.
Diagnostics: to activate the diagnostics function, press and hold the button " " (Ref. A) for 5 seconds.
The type of malfunction is indicated by the 5 LEDs (Ref. 1>5) in accordance with the following diagram:
LED Ref. 1 - Internal P.C.B. malfunction;
LED Ref. 2 - Anode malfunction (in models fitted with active anode). In this case, the product will continue to
work, but the tank will not be protected again corrosion and the appliance durability can be compromised;
LED Ref. 3 - NTC 1/NTC 2 temperature sensors broken (open or short-circuited);
LED Ref. 5 - Water overheating detected by an individual sensor;
LED Ref. 4 and 5 - General overheating (P.C.B. malfunction);
LED Ref. 3 and 5 - Sensor differential error;
LED Ref. 3, 4 and 5 - Operation without water.
To exit the diagnostics function, press the " " button (Rif. A) or wait for 25 seconds.
The anti-Legionella function is activated by default. It consists of a water heating/60°C temperature maintenan-
ce cycle for 1 hour which has a thermal disinfection action on the relative bacteria.
The cycle starts when the product is started up and when it is restarted after a power outage. If the product
always functions at temperatures lower than 55°C, the cycle is repeated after 30 days. When the product is
switched off, the anti-Legionella function is deactivated. If the equipment is switched off during the anti-Legio-
nella cycle, the product switches off and the function is deactivated. At the end of the cycle, the use tempera-
ture returns to the temperature previously set by the user. Activation of the anti-Legionella cycle is displayed
as a normal 60°C temperature setting.
To deactivate the anti-Legionella function permanently, press and hold down the "ECO" and "+" keys simulta-
neously for 4 sec.; the led 40°C flashes rapidly for 4 sec. to confirm deactivation.
To reactivate the anti-Legionella function, repeat the operation described above; the led 60°C flashes rapidly
for 4 sec. to confirm reactivation.
Press the " " button (Rif. A). to switch on the appliance. Set the desired temperature by using the "+" and "-"
buttons to select a level between 40°C and 80°C. During the heating phase, the LEDs (Ref. 1>5) correspon-
ding to the temperature reached by the water so far remain lit in a fixed manner; all subsequent LEDs (up to
the set temperature) flash progressively.
If the temperature drops, for example after hot water has been used, the heating is reactivated automatically
and the LEDs between the last fixed light and the light corresponding to the set temperature will resume
flashing progressively. The first time the product is switched on, it will be set to a temperature of 70°C.
In the event of a power failure or if the product is switched off using the " " (Rif. A), the most recently set
temperature remains memorised. During the heating phase, a slight noise may be produced as a result of
the water heating process.
The "REC PLUS" function, in the products equipped with the "SMART control" indicated in Table 3, consists of
self- learning software of the user consumption, which allows heat loss to be minimised and energy savings to
be maximised. The function is active by default.
The "REC PLUS" software consists in an initial memorising period which lasts one week when the product be-
gins to operate at the temperature indicated in the product data sheet (Attachment A) and logs the user energy
demand. From the second week onwards the learning process continues so as to learn the user requirements
in more detail and changes the temperature every hour to adapt it to the actual demand in order to improve
energy savings.
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