- ページ 24

オール・イン・ワン・プリンター Xerox DocuPrint 4890 IPSのPDF 仕様をオンラインで閲覧またはダウンロードできます。Xerox DocuPrint 4890 IPS 42 ページ。 Xerox printer specification sheet

Execution PD 1-11
IdleTime PD 1-10
Printer PD 1-10–PD 1-11
Server PD 1-9
Status PD 1-10
System PD 1-8
User PD 1-8–PD 1-9
eexec PD 1-8
exitserver PD 1-20, PD 1-22
file PD 1-31
fill PD 1-24–PD 1-26
filter PD 1-21, PD 1-34
floating-point PD 1-1
ISOLatin1Encoding PD 1-8
obsolete PD 1-33
pathforall PD 1-33
PostScript Level 2 PD 1-21
rotate PD 1-37, PD 1-41
scale PD 1-40
SetCacheDevice PD 1-32
setfileposition PD 1-21
setflat PD 1-25
setgray PD 1-28
setlinewidth PD 1-23, PD 1-24
setscreen PD 1-32
stroke PD 1-23–PD 1-24
operatorseq string PJ 6-3
optimized scaling PD 1-41
default, listing CM 5-28
insertion PJ 3-1
page PJ 4-4
print PJ 3-1
stapling PJ 5-8
ordering supplies IP A+14–IP A+15, SO
6-13–SO 6-14
orientation PD 1-32, PD 1-36
Orientation attribute PJ 1-18
Orientation TIFF tag DC E-1
orphan data files, removing CM 12-6
OS/390, see MVS
OS/400 print flow IS 10-5
outlets, power configurations IP 5-2, IP 6-2
outline fonts SO 5-7, IS 4-12
output limit, List Documents command PJ
CM = Guide to Configuring and Managing the System
IS = IPDS Solutions Guide
SJ = Guide to Submitting Jobs from the Client
DC = Decomposition Service and Tools Guide
PD = Guide to Using PDL
PJ = Guide to Managing Print Jobs
output pages PJ 1-9
output profiles CM 6-1–CM 6-6
output resolution IS 4-13
output trays RM 2-1
specifications IS 7-4–IS 7-5
OutputBin attribute PJ 1-18, PJ 3-9
overlay command set SJ 3-7
images DC G-4
overlaying TIFF images PJ 6-4
overlays SJ 2-3, IS 4-15
adding color IS 5-7
adding color shading IS 5-9
overstrike support SO 5-6
overview IS 1-1–IS 1-9
processing SJ 3-2
padding, bounding box PD 1-32
page definitions (PageDefs) SJ 2-2
page definitions, modifying Quick Print for
Windows NT 4.0 SJ 6-22
page description language, see PDL
page device dictionary PJ 5-2, PJ 5-8
page numbers, run exec macro DC 8-2
page orientation, specifying
Windows NT 4.0 (transparent) SJ 5-17
page origins
modifying for AFP IS 4-19
page ranges, specifying
Quick Print for Windows NT 4.0 SJ 6-12
Windows NT 4.0 (transparent) SJ 5-17
page segment command set SJ 3-7
page segments SJ 2-3, IS 4-15
Page Size command, PCL PD 2-12
pagedevice PJ 5-12
PageOrder attribute PJ 1-18, PJ 4-4
PageRange attribue PJ 1-19
XCat DC 6-10
XMerge DC 6-5, DC 6-7, DC 6-14, DC
specifying, cycling method DC 5-5–DC
SO = System Overview Guide
IP = Installation Planning Guide
RM -Guide to Performing Routine
TG = Troubleshooting Guide
Master Index