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電子キーボード Yamaha S90 XS Editor VST S70 XS Editor VSTのPDF マニュアルをオンラインで閲覧またはダウンロードできます。Yamaha S90 XS Editor VST S70 XS Editor VST 12 ページ。 Music production and performance
Yamaha S90 XS Editor VST S70 XS Editor VST にも: パンフレット&スペック (2 ページ), インストレーション・マニュアル (6 ページ), パンフレット&スペック (6 ページ), マニュアル (4 ページ)

Yamaha S90 XS Editor VST S70 XS Editor VST マニュアル
Select "COMMON" > press [ENTER]
Select "EQ" > press [ENTER]
Here you will have access to the 3-band (front
panel) EQ and the MASTER EQ
Select "MASTER EQ" > press [ENTER]

Conclusion and final thoughts

Signal flow is the most important thing to get a
understanding of audio. This is particularly true
when it comes to affective effect processing. The
XS uses professional mixing console routing as the
basis for how signal flows through the synthesizer.
A Voice or Part is like a musician playing an
instrument. So imagine a guitar player with a
wah-wah pedal, and a combo amp. These are like
his Insertion effects... He inserts the guitar into
the wah-wah pedal and then to his combo amp.
Insertion Effects are controllable in real time by
the player – and this is an essential part of
performing. That is the guitar Voice in Voice
Now take that player and his rig to a recording
studio. This would be the MULTI mode. When you
activate the INSERTION SWITCH for the PART
containing the Guitar Voice, it is like the player
brought along his wah-wah pedal and combo
amplifier from home. And they will be able to
manipulate them in real time as they perform.
In the studio (MULTI) mode they are plugged into
the console, the guitar channel has two auxiliary
sends. One connects to the studio's reverberation
chamber, the other send can be routed to some
sort of delay/chorus/flanger (as may be required
by the session).
That is what you have here in the XS. Real time
control over personal effects, and a send/return
situation with the System Effects.
Now to continue with this analogy, if you route a
signal to a direct out on a mixing console, you
interrupt the signal in the patchbay... this takes
that channel out of the main mix and allows you
to route it, in isolation, to some other destination.
This interruption removes that channel from the
auxiliary sends (the ones feeding the Reverb and
the Chorus processors), but you would be doing
this interruption precisely because you are going
to process the signal in isolation, separately.
When you take a PART of your MULTI program
and route it to any of the assignable outputs, it is
removed from the main stereo mix, and it no
longer is pooled with the others via the aux sends
to the studio's effects.
Routing a channel to a direct output is done when
you have something you want to do to it in
The effect routing in the XS Voice is one of the
reasons you can make it sound so good. A Voice
can be one or more instruments combined –
remember a Voice is made up of as many as 8
Elements. Each Element can be an instrument or a
1:018(B02) Piano & Strings is an 8 Element
Voice where Elements 1-4 make up the piano and
Elements 5-8 make up the strings. Because of the
intricate routing within the Voice architecture, the
four Elements of the piano go to INSERTION A
(setup as the VCM EQ 501) while the four
Elements of the strings go to INSERTION B (setup
as a separate VCM EQ 501) – this is an example
of how when setup in parallel each instrument in
equalizer. Volume can be controlled separately:
The Assign 1 knob controls the volume of the
string Elements, while Assign 2 controls the
volume of the piano Elements. The Mod Wheel is
assigned to increase the Element level of the
strings – so it can be used to intensify the strings.
The [AF1] button will cause an increase in the
reverb Send of all Elements together to the
Reverb chamber, while [AF2] will cause a longer
release time on the amplitude envelope of all
You can explore the assignment of controllers and
discover how some of the PRESET Voices were
S90XS/S70XS Editor.
Phil Clendeninn
Senior Technical Sales Specialist
Product Support Group
Pro Audio & Combo Division
©Yamaha Corporation of America