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調理器 Zanussi HC9518のPDF 使用上の注意をオンラインで閲覧またはダウンロードできます。Zanussi HC9518 30 ページ。 cooker
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Zanussi HC9518 使用上の注意
How to deal with burned-on spots:
1. Make sure area to be cleaned is cool.
2. The careful use of a stainless steel
razor in a patent holder, held at angle
of approximately 30° can be used to
remove stubborn soilage from the
cooled hob.
3. Use the Cleaner Conditioner and
finally wipe the hob clean with
kitchen paper or dry cloth.
How to deal with metal marks:
Metal deposit can be identified as
grey/brown marks on the ceramic surface
and are usually caused by dragging
saucepans with aluminium bases,
particularly when new, across the
ceramic surface.
To avoid such marks, protect the surface
of the hob with cleaner conditioner and
lift the saucepans across the heated areas.
Ensure new aluminium saucepans are
well scrubbed on the base to remove any
rough edges or take off any deposits left
from manufacture.
The marks are easily removed, providing
they are cleaned off straight away using
the recommended cleaners, and are not
allowed to bum onto the ceramic surface
for long periods.
About Discolouration
Discolourations are on the surface,
not in
By following proper care and cleaning
recommendations the surface will remain
clean and bright.
The cooking surface should be cleaned
thoroughly each day to remove all visible
soil. Cleaner Conditioner has been
especially formulated for this purpose
and does an excellent job. Remember,
use only as much as is necessary. If used
too generously, a heavy film may be left
that will bum on and discolour when the
elements are heated.
If, after the use of the recommended
materials, there are some persistent stains
or marks on the hob, the hob should be1
cleaned using "Ajax" or "Vim" Powder
cleaner. This will remove any
accumulated residue of Cleaner
Conditioner and, if applied with a
vigorous scrubbing with a non-
impregnated plastic or nylon pad for
non-stick pans, for at least three to four
minutes, it will also take off the film
caused by salts and minerals before it has
an opportunity to discolour or develop
into a problem. If, after following the
above instructions, discolouration
persists, a paste made up of one part
water to three part cream of tartar should
be left on the hob overnight. This will
remove most discolourations provided
they have not been excessively burned
on. The past should be thoroughly
washed off afterwards. Finish off with a
touch of Cleaner Conditioner, polish to a
high lustre and your top will continue to
look as good as new.
Any smearing or hazing on the surface
may be removed'with lightly dampened
kitchen paper and polished with a soft
dry cloth.