- ページ 7

アクセサリー 3Doodler PRO+のPDF ユーザーマニュアルをオンラインで閲覧またはダウンロードできます。3Doodler PRO+ 16 ページ。

3Doodler PRO+ ユーザーマニュアル


1. My pen won't turn on!
The indicator light doesn't come on!
Let's double check the following:
• Is the Power Adapter plugged into a working
power outlet?
• Is the end of the Power
Adapter connected
to the correct part of
the pen ?
2. My Filament is extruding but it won't
stick to the paper, or it is curling up
around the Nozzle.
Stop extruding and
start again using the
following instructions:
• Push the Nozzle firmly down into the paper, then begin
extruding the Filament . This will allow the Filament to
stick to the surface.
• Drag the Filament along the paper or surface in a
continuous unbroken line as if you were writing
with a pencil.
• Keep your movements slow and steady. The Filament
should hold to the paper and not curl up around
the Nozzle .
3. My Filament is not extruding from
my 3Doodler.
3A. Strand not engaging properly with the Drive Gear:
• Gently push the Strand into the Feed Port until you feel
it being pulled by the Drive Gear on its own.
• If the above does not work, reverse the Strand fully
from the pen . (See Section 2, Step 6.) Snip the melted
end, then reinsert and try again.
• If the Strand is too short to be removed from the pen
with this method, continue to Section 5, 3B.
3B. Filament is too short to be removed from the pen:
• Try removing the maintenance cover to see if you can
remove the filament there by reversing it and pulling
it out.
• If it is too short, please
put the maintenance
cover back on. With
the pen turned on and
heated fully, unscrew the
nozzle, then engage the
reverse feature.
• Make sure the ON/OFF
Switch on your 3Doodler
pen is set to ON .
• Then insert the
Unblocking Tool into the
front of the pen to push
the short strand out of
the Feed Port .
4. My Filament is leaking from around
the Nozzle.
The Nozzle may loosen through basic usage, or in transit. In
order to tighten the Nozzle, please do the following:
• Turn the pen on.
• Set the pen to the
ABS setting.
• Gently turn the Nozzle
clockwise to tighten it
using the Nozzle Tool
located on the bottom of
the Nozzle Set Case .
• Stop tightening once you first feel resistance so as
to avoid over-tightening the Nozzle and breaking the
threaded tip of your 3Doodler PRO+ pen .
5. My Filament won't stop extruding.
• Click the Feed Button once.
• If that doesn't solve this problem, unplug your 3Doodler
PRO+ , then plug it in and try again.
6. How do I reverse my unused filament?
• Once the pen is on and has reached the target
temperature setting ( Blue Light for pre-set temperature
modes, Green Light for custom mode ), click the Reverse
Button . The Light will start flashing to signal the Strand
is reversing. Once the Strand stops reversing, it is safe to
remove it from the pen by gently pulling on the back of
the strand.
• If the Strand is too short to reverse, see Section 6, 3B.
Snip the ends of your Strands now for easier
loading later.
7. I have reversed my Strand but cannot
get it out.
It is possible that the Strand is too short to reverse out
of your 3Doodler PRO+.
• In order to get the short strand out, remove the
maintenance hatch, click the reverse button, and try
pulling the filament out with your fingers from behind the
maintenance hatch.
• If that doesn't help, reaffix the maintenance cover and
proceed with the instructions in Section 6, 3B.
• Alternatively, you can insert a new strand of the same
filament and feed it through. This will push the small
amount of the previous strand in the pen out through
the nozzle.
8. My pen won't heat up! The light stays red!
Make sure you have selected a filament type on the menu
display. It takes around 60-90 seconds for your pen to
heat up depending on the filament selected. If, after that
time, the pen still does not heat up and the Indicator Light
remains Red , turn the pen OFF , then ON , and try again.
If that still does not work, please contact us at help@
the3Doodler.com and we will assist further.