- ページ 4

エンジン Alukov TERRA R PRIMEのPDF 取扱説明書をオンラインで閲覧またはダウンロードできます。Alukov TERRA R PRIME 7 ページ。 Motor units

Photo n. 6
You can visual check to verify that the latch has been lifted (see photo 7 and 8). Repeat this procedure on the other engine. After unlocking both motors Enclosure
can be moved manually. The latch can be lock by reversing the process. With the screwdriver, lean against the top edge of the hole and lift the handle up locking
the latch down.
Photo n. 7 - locked arresment
Photo n. 8 - unlocked arrestment
Once a year, remove the engine cover and remove the rough dirt (for example leaves). Then screw the cover back (see photo 9 and 10).
Photo n. 9