Date Label
Using ▲/▼ to select menu items. There's submenu once there's small triangle shown at right side of
the menu item, shot-press >> to go into the submenu while << to cancel the submenu and shot-press
OK( )or B to enter and escape. Press ESC to back to Camera menu.
When set the configuration and back to camera mode, the focus would be changed from 1x to 2x.
Press ▲ would make the focus from 1.0 to 2.0 , and reverse by pressing ▼.
c). Camera Shoot
Hold the product by both hand to avoid the shakes, and then shot-press OK( )or B to shoot;
d). Escape the Camera mode
When in audio menu, press ESC back to desktop.
e). Review the photo
First back to desktop and enter to Picture mode, then you can see the photo you took just now.
6. DV
a). Enter to DV mode
Using direction key to choose the icon of DV Mode in desktop, shown in SC-5.
Then OK ( ) or B to go to the DV mode. The viewfinder is the LCD, the top left of which showes the
status and video size, the bottom left the available video time by the current free flash space, the
bottom right the focus. The video time is just the estimated time, by the rule of 1 minute equals 5MB
space , not accurate time. Whne the flash memory is full, the remindings of "memory full" will
appears at top right of LCD and the current video file under encoding will be stopped and restored.
b). DV Configurations
Shot-press Key Y will be pop-up the submenu of the DV mode, the functions of which are listed as
Video Size
Video Quolity
TC-4 The submenu of the Camera mode
SC-6 The icon of DV Mode