Midrange trimmer
The "Bee" mode has a very steep mid-scoop reminiscent of the Superfuzz or Hyper Fuzz. An internal
trimmer has been added to dial back the amount of mid scoop (in other words, increase the mids) if it's
too much. Generally speaking, the "Bee" mode is more useful than the "Baa" mode, so this allows a little
more fine-tuning to make this mode work across a wider variety of settings.
Setting the boost LED mode
The boost sub-circuit in the Ibex is engaged with its own footswitch and has a LED to indicate that it's
engaged. The boost circuit is tied to the master footswitch, so the whole circuit is bypassed regardless of
whether it is in boost or fuzz mode.
However, there are competing opinions on what should be done with the boost indicator LED when the
whole unit is bypassed. Some playeers want to be able to know the boost status even when the unit is
bypassed, while others would expect that none of the LEDs would be illuminated in bypass mode.
The footswitch PCB has jumpers to select which type of operation you want it to have:
• If you expect the boost LED to be on when the boost circuit is enabled, even if the whole effect is
bypassed, then solder a jumper wire between the top and middle pads (marked "On").
• If you expect the boost LED to be off when the effect is bypassed, even if the boost circuit is
internally engaged, then solder a jumper wire between the middle and bottom pads (marked "Off").