The MIDI recieve channel is set to 10.
Program change commands are:
1. bank 1
2. bank 2
3. bank 3
4. bank 4
5. bank 1&2
6. bank 3&4
7. stop
8. play
9. record
10. loop
11. gate/reverse
12. effect on/off
13. stutter
Using an intelligent MIDI controller with the D12 is the key to
unlocking its incredible power. Basic MIDI controllers will work
with the D12 as well. Simply connect the MIDI out of the controller
to the MIDI in of the D12. Make sure the Controller is set to trans-
mit on channel 10. Now you have access to all of the front panel
sample functions.
With an intelligent controller you can assign the controller to send
different program change information on whichever switch you
desire. This allows you to group the functions in whatever order
you wish. Higher end guitar rack effects and some keyboards
allow for this function, thus making the D12 a great companion
piece to a rack setup.
To reset the D12 hold down both Play and Stop while powering up
the unit. This will reset the unit.