Bus Mode: External ROM external Bus
Bus width: 16bit
This kind of emulation system can be used in two different ways:
The external Flash memory on SK91461 (4MB) connected to CS0 can be used
The external SRAM memory on SK91461 (1MB) connected to CS1 can be used.
The template project therefore provides two debug configurations.
For proper startup of the debug sessions the template project includes some procedure file in folder PRC. Please
refer to them if your project is not based on the template.
This debug configuration uses the external Flash memory connected to CS0 area of the microcontroller.
After generating your software project use the PC Writer software to program the adequate mhx-file (e.g.
STANDALONE\ABS\91460_template_91461r.mhx) to the external Flash on SK91461. Therefore connect the
starterkit via serial cable (crossed cable!) to the PC's COM port and set the onboard switches as following:
Figure 8. Configure Bus Mode External ROM
Document No. 002-05206 Rev. *C
FR Family MB91460 Series MB91461R Emulation