The light output of the ClubMix is a transformer isolated output to control light equipment.
There is a source selector for choosing between Program (which is all that is send to the master) or Music
only. A level pot controls the output.
The ClubMix has three individually adjustable main outputs apart from the Light, Aux, Subbass and Phones
The Zone 1 output is intended to be the main output of the console. It is a ground compensated balanced XLR
+4dBu output, which can be switched to mono.
The ZONE 1 output will give all signals send to the output through direct routing from the channels pan-pots
and balance controls, as well as all signals coming from the crossfader section. Both left and right outputs
have inserts for limiters and or graphic equalizers.
The Zone 2 output is a parallel output of the Zone 1 section and has the same signal sourcing.
The signal is taken "pre" inserts and fed to the Zone 2 stereo fader.
The FLW PHONES switch is designed to give the same signal as the is in the PHONES section. Some D.J.'s
prefer not to work with headphones and this is an ideal way of monitoring through loudspeakers. The output of
the ZONE 2 section is unbalanced on an XLR type connector with a level of +4dBu.
The Zone 3 output is a +4dBu unbalanced output on a jack connector.
by the rotary knob and the balance between microphone channels and stereo channel can be set anywhere
between the two sources.
The level can be controlled and there is
The Phones section has many useful possibilities which we will explain in detail.
The input source can be either the cue signals from the channels or the zone 1 or 2 outputs.
A Cue led indicates that anywhere in the console a Cue switch is activated which will in turn disconnect the
Phones section from the main output signal and redirect it to the selected Cue switch.
All stereo signals will be heard in stereo.
The SPLIT switch directs the program signal(everything that is coming from the channels) to the left and the
summed stereo cue signal to the right. This circuitry makes syncing of two input signals an easy task. The
program signal can be mixed into the Cue signal (if necessary), so the main signal will not disappear
completely when using the autocue function.
The Phones amplifier is capable of driving headphones extremely loud. It can handle headphones as low as 8
The crossfader is fed by the assign switches in the stereo channels and makes crossings possible between
any of the assigned input channels.
Any D.J. knows what to do with these types of crossfaders.
Clubmix manual page 8