Door Entry Direct BVP 빠른 시작 매뉴얼 - 페이지 2

{카테고리_이름} Door Entry Direct BVP에 대한 빠른 시작 매뉴얼을 온라인으로 검색하거나 PDF를 다운로드하세요. Door Entry Direct BVP 2 페이지. Video access control panel

7 Deleting a user (Missing Card)
a) Enter Administrator Mode (see 1)
b) Enter "2" for deleting a user location
c) Enter location number of missing card and press
"#" to confirm
d) Press "
" to finish deleting user
e) Go back to step b) to delete more userss or press
" to finish programming
* *
Example: 2 YYY #
8 Deleting a user (Card present)
a) Enter Administrator mode (see 1)
b) Enter "2" for deleting a user location
c) Present Card
d) Press "
" to finish deleting user
e) Go back to step b) to delete more users or press
" to finish programming
9 Delete All Users
a) Enter Administrator Mode (see 1)
b) Enter "2" for deleting a user location
c) Press "88" for all users and "#" to confirm
d) Press "
" to finish programming
Example: 2 88 #
10 Changing Unlock Time
a) Enter Administrator Mode (see 1)
b) Enter "4" for unlock time location
c) Enter "01" – "99" for number of seconds and "#" to
d) Press "
" to finish programming
Example: 4 05 #
(Door unlocked for 5 seconds)
* *
11 Change Pin Using Card
a) Enter
b) Read Card
c) Enter old pin (Default is "0000" and "#" to
d) Enter new pin and "#" to confirm
e) Re-enter new pin and "#" to confirm
Note: to do this, you do not need to be in Administrator mode, but
you need a card which has been added as described in step 6
12 Choosing Unlock Modes
There are 3 Unlock modes that can be used to gain
entry. And here are how to choose the appropriate
a) Enter Administrator Mode (see 1)
b) Enter "3" for unlock mode location
c) Enter
"00" for card only
"01" for card or pin
"02" for card and pin
And press "#" to confirm
d) Press "
" to finish programming
Example: 3 00 #
(For card only)