Ameristar TransPort II 사용 설명서 - 페이지 4
{카테고리_이름} Ameristar TransPort II에 대한 사용 설명서을 온라인으로 검색하거나 PDF를 다운로드하세요. Ameristar TransPort II 8 페이지. Ornamental cantilever gate
Position diagonal braces in bays between uprights; use diagram in Appendix 1 (Page
6) to ensure correct location and orientation of each diagonal. At top of center upright,
attach the two mating diagonals using all thread bolts (F), flat washers (J), and frame
nuts (H) as shown in Figure 4. At all other diagonal to upright connections, attach with
frame bolts (E), flat washers (J), and frame nuts (H). Tighten all nuts thoroughly.
Square the gate by measuring from corner to corner on frame as shown in Figure 5. Dimensions "X" and "Y"
should be equal (+/- ¼") Tighten all nuts thoroughly.
Attach safety mesh (K) to bottom 6' of gate (Note: Fasteners are not provided; installer is responsible for at-
tachment method). Sufficient mesh is provided to also cover fence that runs parallel to gate travel path.
Track is predrilled its entire length so that pickets (D) can be attached either left
or right depending on the direction of the gate opening. If gate opens to the right,
install pickets from left end; if gate opens to the left, install pickets from the right
end. Position pickets (D) to align with pre-drilled holes in tracks, attach with picket
bolts (G) and picket nuts (I) as shown in Figure 6. Tighten all nuts thoroughly.
PART # TP-II INST | 10/2013
Figure 5
Figure 4
Figure 6