Dove TechMaster 소유자 매뉴얼 - 페이지 5
{카테고리_이름} Dove TechMaster에 대한 소유자 매뉴얼을 온라인으로 검색하거나 PDF를 다운로드하세요. Dove TechMaster 7 페이지. Control console
modes. Forward executes the chase sequence in the order it was programmed. Reverse executes
the chase in the reverse order it was programmed. Build executes the chase in the order it was pro-
grammed, but leaves each lamp on after it is brought up in the chase until the chase sequence is
completed. Once the chase sequence is completed, all lamps in the chase go out. The chase builds
bringing up more and more lamps, then they all go out.
To record a chase, set all channel sliders at zero (a chase cannot be recorded if a channel slider is
not at zero). Press the chase record button (which then lights red). Press the bump button for each
channel of the chase sequence in the order of the chase. Press the chase record button again (the
red LED goes out). The chase has been recorded.
If you want a particular lamp to stay on longer than the others in the chase sequence, press that
bump button twice during the chase record, recording that channel twice. If you want a pause in the
chase where no lamps are on (assuming you are not in build mode), press the blackout button at the
appropriate time in the chase.
If you accidentally press the chase record button, press it again (turning off the red LED). As long as
no other buttons were hit in the chase record, the old recorded chase is maintained.
To restore the default chase (all channels in order), press the chase record button, then press the
chase mode button. The default chase will be loaded and start executing.
A chase can include up to 255 steps. The chase is held in capacitor backed RAM. The programmed
chase is held for about one week after power removal.
The Techmaster is a modular system that can be expanded to 256 (two scene) or 512 (single scene)
channels. Units can be returned to the factory for expansion.
The TechMaster is simple and reliable. In the event that things do go wrong, there are a few possibili-
ties to check before a trip to the factory for repairs.
If lights don't come on:
1. Check the power to the console. The SS/2S switch should have one LED lit at all times.
2. Check the grandmaster slider, crossfaders, and blackout button. Remove power from the controler,
check the setting of the SS/2S switch, then apply power again.
3. Check the power to the dimmers. Be sure that the loads are plugged in and don't have burnt out
lamps. Check that all test switches and breakers are set properly. Look at the fuses.
4. Examine the control cables. Check that they are continuous, undamaged, and wired correctly. Ring
them out to be sure.