Dramm Autofog MLVH-10A 소유자 매뉴얼 - 페이지 7

{카테고리_이름} Dramm Autofog MLVH-10A에 대한 소유자 매뉴얼을 온라인으로 검색하거나 PDF를 다운로드하세요. Dramm Autofog MLVH-10A 20 페이지.

Dramm Autofog MLVH-10A 소유자 매뉴얼
Preparation of Chemical Mixture and Application
1. Determine the treatment area size in square feet.
A minimum of 2 liters of water should be added to the
active chemical when treating less than 5,000 square
feet. More water should be added to dilute larger
volumes of chemical (to a 15 to 1 ratio).
2. Calculate the chemical amount.
Example: Labeled chemical rate per 100 gallons is 16
ounces. We will first calculate a rate for 10,000 square
Low Rate: 16oz. X 0.20 = 3.2oz.
(for 10,000 square feet)
High Rate: 16oz. X 0.35 = 5.6oz.
(for 10,000 square feet)
Divide the rate per 10,000 square feet by
2 for the rate per 5,000 square feet. If you are treating
areas less than 5,000 square feet, make the rate
calculation for 5,000 square feet and reduce that
amount proportionately. Contact the Dramm Service
Department at 800-258-0848 or 920-684-0227 if you
have any questions.
3. Calculate the water volume for at least a 15 to 1 ratio
for wettable powder and flowable formulations. Mix
water with chemical in the mixing pitcher. Pour the
mixture into the solution tank through the strainer.
Eliminate dirt and globs of chemical that may clog the
nozzle. When using wettable powders, make a lump-
free slurry of the powder to wet it completely and then
add the remaining portion of water. For ECs use a 10:1
dilution ratio.
4. Position the MLVH-10A for spraying.
5. Install the solution tank on the sprayer and insert the
nozzle suction tube. Make sure the suction tube
reaches the bottom of the tank. When a full chemical
tank is loaded onto the MLVH-10A, do not move the
machine to avoid spilling the chemical solution.
Dramm Autofog MLVH-10A Manual
6. Connect the MLVH-10A to a 120V 60HZ power source
and set the timer by rotating past and then returned to
the desired spraying time. The spraying process
begins immediately – vacate the
treatment area.
Always wear protective clothing, gas mask, hood, gloves
and boots when mixing chemicals and using the MLVH-
Application of Chemicals
1. WARNING: All EPA Guidelines on the handling,
application and re-entry periods for chemicals must be
adhered to. Only crops which are listed on the
chemical label should be treated.
2. Labeled chemical rates are stated in amounts of
chemical to be diluted into 100 gallons of water. Most
chemical labels do not advise how much of the spray
concentrate should be applied to a given area.
3. Greenhouse growers apply from 25 to 300 gallons of
spray concentrate per 10,000 square feet, the average
high volume application is 40 - 50 gallons per 10,000
square feet.
4. The MLVH-10A is a low-volume applicator. Low
volume means application of chemical in a very
concentrated solution. The same amount of chemical
is applied to a given area as conventional spraying, but
in greatly reduced quantities of water. This is possible
since low volume equipment produces very small
particle sizes (0.5 to 10.0 microns) versus conventional
spray particles of 100 to 400 microns.
5. If you would normally spray 25 gallons of solution into
10,000 square feet of area you are applying 25% of the
chemical mixed in 100 gallons of water. (Per labeled
rate per 100 gallons).
6. The charts starting on the following page will help you
calculate the proper chemical amounts and water