Bosch 300 Series 사용 설명서 지침 - 페이지 4

{카테고리_이름} Bosch 300 Series에 대한 사용 설명서 지침을 온라인으로 검색하거나 PDF를 다운로드하세요. Bosch 300 Series 40 페이지. Built-in wall ovens
Bosch 300 Series에 대해서도 마찬가지입니다: 사용자 설명서 (21 페이지), 설치 매뉴얼 (6 페이지), 설치 매뉴얼 (36 페이지), 설치 매뉴얼 (32 페이지), 사용 및 관리 설명서/설치 지침 (40 페이지), 사용 설명서 (50 페이지), 빠른 시작 및 안전 매뉴얼 (7 페이지), 설치 매뉴얼 (28 페이지), 빠른 시작 매뉴얼 (7 페이지), 사용 및 관리 매뉴얼 (32 페이지), 빠른 시작 및 안전 매뉴얼 (7 페이지), 서비스 매뉴얼 (36 페이지), 빠른 시작 및 안전 매뉴얼 (13 페이지)

Bosch 300 Series 사용 설명서 지침
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There is a lot to
say about something
so quiet.
You may have heard that Bosch is the quietest
brand of dishwashers in the U.S.* and that there
is no quieter dishwasher in any Bosch price point.
Maybe you're not hearing anything much at all.
That's because with three layers of sound-muffling
material—metal, cotton-fiber insulation, and heavy-
duty bitumen sheets—and our suspended, two-pump
motor system that dramatically reduces vibration
and noise, Bosch has created a kind of quiet that
screams German engineering.
Engineering a quiet response
Quietest brand
Noise is measured in decibels (dBA).
A whisper is about 30 dBA, and a normal
conversation is about 60 dBA. As the quietest
dishwashers in the U.S., * Bosch has a silence
rating as low as 39 dBA, equivalent to that of a
library. All Bosch quiet levels are certified by an
independent lab.
* Bosch offers the quietest dishwasher in North American and no
major brand offers a quieter model at any Bosch price point. Class
defined by similarly priced and designed models of major brands,
obtained from competitors' websites May 2011.