Anonabox The Tunneler 시작 매뉴얼 - 페이지 11
{카테고리_이름} Anonabox The Tunneler에 대한 시작 매뉴얼을 온라인으로 검색하거나 PDF를 다운로드하세요. Anonabox The Tunneler 20 페이지.
Step 3
Connect to internet
Connect your device to anonabox
via WiFi or by directly plugging
it into the "LAN" ethernet port on
the side of your Anonabox.
You should see an SSID named
"Anonabox" in your list of available wire-
less networks. Type in the 24 character
password included on the sticker in the
back of your Startup Guide. NOTE: Don't
lose this password! Keep it safe!
Step 4
While your anonabox is booting up and establishing a secure connection to Tor , you will
see your Status Indication LED undergo the following sequence:
Solid green indicates the device is powered up. This should last 10 seconds.
Rhythmic blinking indicates the device is establishing a Tor connection. This should last 2
– 5 minutes due to the variable dynamics of Tor while establishing an initial connection.
Random flashing to indicate WiFi connectivity.