Anritsu Company VectorStar ME7848A-0172 빠른 시작 매뉴얼 - 페이지 3

{카테고리_이름} Anritsu Company VectorStar ME7848A-0172에 대한 빠른 시작 매뉴얼을 온라인으로 검색하거나 PDF를 다운로드하세요. Anritsu Company VectorStar ME7848A-0172 15 페이지. Opto-electronic network analyzer systems
Anritsu Company VectorStar ME7848A-0172에 대해서도 마찬가지입니다: 빠른 시작 매뉴얼 (17 페이지)

Anritsu Company VectorStar ME7848A-0172 빠른 시작 매뉴얼
Opto-electronic Network Analyzer System
The ME7848A opto-electronic network analyzer (ONA) system comprises a VNA, a calibration O/E module,
and a laser/modulator converter assembly. Together, they allow calibrated RF response measurements of E/O,
O/E, and certain O/O devices. This document describes the system components, basic connection and operation
information, and some simple test steps to assure that the system is operating normally. Additional
measurement information is contained in the VectorStar
This document and all other documentation that supports the ME7848A is available on the Anritsu web site:
Minimum Configurations
The following are the configurations for the -02xx opto-electronic network analyzer systems. The -01xx systems
differ in that they do not include the E/O converter and do not undergo system parameter test (although
individual elements are all fully tested and system specifications are expected to be met based on those
element tests). The -01xx systems do include the accessory kit described below.
The VNA may be equipped with other loop-enable options (-061 or -062) in lieu of option -051. Other VNA
options may also be added and none are excluded. Other O/E and E/O modules may be used with elements of
the system but the technical data sheet values do not apply.
Table 1.
ME7848A ONA System Configuration Options (1 of 2)
ME7848A ONA System
40 GHz 850 nm System
70 GHz 1550 nm System
Calibration and Measurement Guide – 10410-00318.
Configuration and Included Items
MS4644B 40 GHz VectorStar VNA with Option 051, 061, or 062
MN4765B-0040 40 GHz 850 nm O/E Calibration Module
(with characterization files)
MN4775A-0040 40 GHz 850 nm E/O Converter
2000-1957-R Accessory Kit which includes:
• 2 one meter F-M K RF cables
• 1 one meter FC/PC-FC/APC fiber patch cord
• 2 semi-rigid K cables to allow VNA coupler reversal for increasing
forward dynamic range
• 1 F-F K adapter
• Optical connector cleaning accessories
(for both fiber ends and ferrule-based connectors)
MS4747B 70 GHz VectorStar VNA with Option 051, 061, or 062
MN4765B-0070 70 GHz 1550 Calibration Module
(with characterization files)
MN4775A-0070 70 GHz 1550 nm E/O Converter
2000-1958-R Accessory Kit which includes:
• 2 one meter F-M V RF cables
• 1 one meter FC/PC-FC/APC fiber patch cord
• 2 semi-rigid V cables to allow VNA coupler reversal for increasing
forward dynamic range
• 1 F-F V adapter
• Optical connector cleaning accessories
(for both fiber ends and ferrule-based connectors)
PN: 10410-00777 Rev. B
1. Minimum Configurations